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In case you haven’t noticed, the LGBTQ+++ community is far from oppressed or underrepresented. If anything, LGBTQ+++ folks are among the most recognized, fawned over, and fussed over people on the planet. They not only have their own flag but also their own parade, filled with copious amounts of nudity, sexuality, and fetishes.

Every corporation, group, and organization in the country worships and celebrates them, and they even get an entire month dedicated to their anti-Christian lifestyle. How much more “recognized” can you get? What’s next, rainbow penis statues on every street corner? Regardless of the Sodom and Gomorrah-like atmosphere in the US, the LGBTQ+++ “community” keeps pushing for more rights, more favors, more, more, more. Meanwhile, the truly underrepresented, like the middle class, who’ve been getting the shaft from globalists for decades, and white Christians, who are routinely marginalized and demonized, continue to be overlooked and cast aside like pariahs. However, you have to wonder if Americans are starting to tire of the perverted parades and incessant corporate fawning.



It’s no wonder people are growing tired of this debauchery. Looking at what’s happening in certain areas throughout the country, you have to wonder if a shift toward decency is finally on the horizon. That’s what many are pondering as they observe what’s possibly unfolding in Maine. Firstly, one city in Maine has actually announced that they will no longer be flying the gay pride flag. This comes as great news for so many. After all, we still have missing POWs, and we’re not flying flags for them. Why on earth should any city or state fly a flag celebrating random sexual activities and fetishes?

Meanwhile, Ogunquit Maine is reporting a poor turnout for their pride festivities.

The Unquirer:

#Maine #MEpolitics
Ogunquit Maine reports on the ABSOLUTE worst turnout they have seen for Pride. It’s almost like people are “boycotting our town”…

Previous years the streets were FILLED shoulder to shoulder. Now look at it. No one is coming to these Towns of Pride.

The local media was practically begging people to show up for the festivities.


Just to give you an idea, this is what previous gay pride celebrations looked like in the area.


One local resident who goes by the handle “Maine Antifa” says he hasn’t seen any pride flags in the area: “Haven’t seen a single pride flag up north.. nature is healing.”

The bad news for this prideful community in Maine just keeps coming in.






So, what’s really happening? Is what we’re seeing in these small pockets of Maine indicative of a larger movement and a return to tradition? Perhaps because of the major PR fallout surrounding the controversial “trans” movement, many companies are now taking a giant step back from their usual hoopla surrounding gay pride.

Just the News:

2023 saw major retailers such as Target become the subject of boycotts over more controversial products marketed for children. Other companies, such as Anheuser-Busch came under scrutiny over marketing campaigns that failed to resonate with their traditional clientele.

The adverse experiences of last June appear to have corporate boardrooms reevaluating some of their practices with respect to “Pride” month and the merchandise related to it. Here’s a look at some of the major disasters of 2023 and how brands plan to handle things in 2024.

Industry analysts and executives in May suggested that the boycotts of last year and targeted campaigns from conservatives intended to push back against the pervasiveness of “Pride”-themed merchandise had evidently pushed companies to pursue a toned-down approach to “Pride” this year.

“Nobody in the media, marketing and advertising world wants to admit how heavy and hard this has been,” Pink Media President Matt Skallerud told USA Today. “Ever since Target and Bud Light had their fiascos last year, a tremendous number of brands have decided it would be much better to sit on the sidelines and let this sort itself out.”

GlobalData Managing Director Neil Saunders, moreover, highlighted the polarization of American society around political and social issues, telling the outlet that “If you promote Pride, some people will be unhappy with it.”

“If you don’t promote Pride, some people will be unhappy about that. It’s not a battle you can win completely, which is why some retailers and brands are taking a middle-of-the-road approach and keeping it moderate,” he continued. “They are doing some promotion but they are restricting it to things that they think are palatable and acceptable for most people.”

This type of stance is definitely a far cry from the shameless hero-worshiping and rainbow overkill of the past. This definitely feels like part of a phenomenon where radical groups like the LGBTQ+++ go a “bridge too far” and end up suffering copious amounts of backlash. The same thing happened with the sham conviction of President Trump—they just couldn’t help themselves and felt this burning need to push their twisted and toxic agenda. It’s because of this fatal misstep that you can start to feel the tide turning and the nation healing. So, while all eyes are on small pockets of Maine, keep an eye out in your own neck of the woods and see if you notice a return to decency.