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Uh oh, it looks like Dr. Jill is back in action. She’s playing “mother hen” to her grown adult stepson, who has shamelessly lied and played the system left and right, and her latest move has cost you, the US taxpayer, more than you might realize. So, what is Dr. Jill up to this time? Well, she’s flying around the world like she doesn’t have a care in the world. You have to wonder: Should American taxpayers foot the bill for Dr. Jill to fly across the globe for the trial of her womanizing, crackhead stepson, whose laptop was nefariously used as “election interference”? Not to mention the havoc all this globetrotting must be wreaking on Joe’s precious climate, right?

We get that Jill really tried to be a mother to Hunter, and that’s commendable. But despite her efforts, he still ended up as the family’s bagman and a menace to society.

ABC News: 

As Hunter Biden continues his trial in Delaware over allegations he lied on a gun permit application, first lady Jill Biden has been in his corner, showing support while also juggling her official duties.

Almost every day this week, Jill Biden was in court watching the proceedings along with other family members and growing emotional as details of Hunter Biden’s drug addictions, fraught relationships and other dark aspects of his past were brought up by prosecutors.

The first lady’s commitment to attending the trial was evident as she flew back late Thursday from France, where she accompanied President Joe Biden to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day, to attend Friday’s court hearings before flying back overseas to attend a state dinner being hosted by the French prime minister on Saturday.

President Biden has not appeared at his son’s trial. In a statement on Monday, as jury selection was underway, Biden said he wouldn’t comment on the case but expressed “boundless love” for his son.

“I am the President, but I am also a Dad. Jill and I love our son, and we are so proud of the man he is today,” the president said in the statement. “Hunter’s resilience in the face of adversity and the strength he has brought to his recovery are inspiring to us.”

We wish Hunter the best on his road to recovery, as well as his brother’s widow, with whom he had an affair and got hooked on crack. We hope she has recovered as well.

In reality, Dr. Jill was probably thrilled to get out of France after the debacle that took place during a D-Day event with President Macron and his wife. Joe Biden, who often seems confused and totally out of it, once again made some bizarre moves on stage that had many wondering if he may have soiled himself. You can tell Jill gets the weird vibe of the moment. She covers her mouth and seems to whisper something to Joe.

No denying it, the entire thing looked really odd.

Sometime after the strange incident, Jill was seen whisking Joe away.

The left-wing propaganda media was quick to circle the wagons to cover for Joe.

Even though left-wing media soldiers jumped in to rescue Joe, the damage was already done. It’s likely that Dr. Jill won’t be too pleased with the coverage Joe’s been getting online after the D-day disaster. Rumors of him losing control of his bowels have spread like wildfire and gone mega-viral. Plus, he’s facing new accusations of plagiarism, something he’s had to grovel and apologize for in the past, repeatedly.

None of this can be sitting well with the good “doctor.” We know from past reports that Jill Biden does her best to control the narrative for her hubby. It’s also clear she’s a strong voice within the regime when it comes to policy, despite having no experience in policymaking or foreign affairs. Pretty scary stuff.

Is Jill the one whispering in Joe’s ear to plow head-first into World War III?

She might be. After all, an article from 2022, which dubs Jill “The Decider,” highlights just how much power and influence she wields within the Biden regime.

NBC News:

Whenever his aides are pressed about President Joe Biden’s political future, they’ll often point to one person as the true decider: his wife of 45 years, Jill Biden.

She is, after all, her husband’s foremost defender. She guards his interests and dignity, and expects his staff to do no less. Her input is essential in some of the weightiest political and personnel decisions the 46th president confronts. Outside of the president himself, Jill Biden is the single most important voice in a decision that will reverberate through the Democratic Party, the Biden family and the country for years to come: whether her husband seeks a second term in 2024. If Jill doesn’t want him to run again, Joe won’t, the president’s longtime associates say.

Asked in an interview with NBC News on Wednesday about a second term, the first lady made an argument for keeping the president in the job.

“He understands government better than anybody else,” Jill Biden said.

It was Jill Biden who pushed her husband to run in 2024, something the majority of her party didn’t even want.


Privately, the first lady encouraged her husband to run again while giving him the space he needed to process the decision in the way he traditionally does: with extensive deliberations, consideration of the burden it would place on his family, and a bit of classic Biden hemming and hawing. She was involved in all the high-level discussions around the decision, giving counsel when she felt it was necessary.

“She is usually in the room when senior campaign staff are presenting strategy to her husband. She will ask questions. But she never weighs in on the decision,” said a former senior Biden adviser.


Nearly a dozen aides and advisers in Biden world described the first lady as someone who has grown more willing to endure the rigors and demands of being in the political spotlight herself — and more convinced of her husband’s fit for the job. Close advisers say she feels a comfort level with her role inside the White House, balancing the ceremonial responsibilities of the office with the weight of serving as a trusted adviser to the president.

Interestingly, while Jill seems to be gaining more confidence in her husband’s abilities, the country doesn’t seem to feel the same way.


A poll finds that a growing share of U.S. adults doubt that 81-year-old President Joe Biden has the memory and acuity for the job, turning his coming State of the Union address into something of a real-time audition for a second term.

Roughly 6 in 10 say they’re not very or not at all confident in Biden’s mental capability to serve effectively as president, according to a new survey by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. That’s a slight increase from January 2022, when about half of those polled expressed similar concerns.

Sadly, Jill’s efforts to prop her husband up have flopped, just like her attempts to “save” Hunter. Joe, just like Hunter, has failed, and sadly, he’s turned into a befuddled, confused clown under Jill’s watch—a situation that likely grates on her a lot and that many of her critics see as plain old elder abuse.

And speaking of that, we’ll leave you with this hilarious viral video that’s taking the internet by storm. It just goes to show that the power of memes and humor trumps everything else—pun intended.