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Did the Daily Mail accidentally uncover a money-laundering scam in the Biden family? No, we’re not talking about Hunter Biden’s fake “artwork.” This new theory hits much closer to Joe’s home—literally. It involves two of his homes in Delaware. Either Joe Biden is broke and needs a lot of cash, or he’s up to something mighty shady. The big question now is: why are the Bidens refinancing their Delaware homes so often? One of their houses was actually refinanced an astounding 15 times.

Honestly, who needs to refinance their home 15 or more times? We wanted to find out the average number of times Americans refinance their homes. Unfortunately, that data isn’t readily available. However, when we asked ChatGPT if refinancing a home 15 times was “excessive,” this was the response:

“Yes, refinancing a single home 15 times does seem excessive.”

So, what is Biden up to, especially given the fact that he’s worth millions? There are some interesting theories floating around.

Insurrection Barbie:

The Daily Mail is reporting that Joe and Jill Biden have refinanced their Delaware home 20 times and taken up to 4.2 million dollars in cash out of its equity.

This is really weird because the Biden’s are worth 10 million dollars. So why are they refinancing their property over 20 times and why did they refinance their previous Wilmington property 15 times?

Well according to Chat GPT, the number one reason people frequently cycle mortgages is to launder money gotten from illegitimate places.

You don’t say. Fascinating.

So, how exactly does this scam work?

First AML:

Money laundering doesn’t only happen at the purchase stage. Sometimes, money laundering doesn’t start until after a purchase is complete, where money launderers use loans or mortgages to layer and integrate illicit funds into high-value assets such as real estate.

Essentially, loans or mortgages are taken out as a cover for laundering their criminal proceeds. For example, criminals will buy property using legitimate funds for the deposit, then take out a mortgage on the remainder – as with a normal purchase. The mortgage is then paid with funds from criminal activities, allowing illicit funds to be blended with legitimate funds.

As mortgage payments are rarely over the $10,000 threshold that triggers a laundering investigation, this easily allows criminals to filter money through the lender without being detected. When the property is sold, the proceeds from the sale are legitimate and far less likely to be traced back to its criminal source.

We asked ChatGPT how somebody might use home refinancing to launder money, and this was the response:

Money laundering through refinancing a house multiple times typically involves a series of financial maneuvers designed to disguise the origins of illicit funds. Here’s a simplified explanation of how this could work:

1. Initial Purchase and Refinancing

  1. Purchase Property: The launderer buys a property using a mix of legitimate and illicit funds.
  2. First Refinancing: The launderer refinances the property, obtaining a loan for more than the original purchase price. The excess funds from the loan are then deposited into a bank account, making it appear as though the funds are legitimate.

2. Repeated Refinancing

  1. Increase Property Value: The launderer may make superficial improvements to the property to justify an increased appraisal value.
  2. Second Refinancing: The launderer refinances again at a higher property value, pulling out more cash. This process can be repeated multiple times, each time extracting more money and integrating it into the financial system.

This is an interesting theory to keep in mind as you read the article from the Daily Mail.


The Daily Mail:

Joe Biden and First Lady Jill have been using their homes as an ATM, taking out multiple mortgages and refinancing their Delaware properties an astonishing 35 times, a investigation has revealed.

The president has lived in two houses in his home state since 1975, when he bought his first property in Wilmington that he later sold in the late 1990s.

But records obtained by show the couple have had a habit of negotiating a new mortgage or credit deal on both homes every 17 months.

Over the decades the Bidens have borrowed a total of $6million on both properties – and there’s still an outstanding $541,000 mortgage on their current three-bed, 4.5-bath Wilmington mansion nearly three decades after they bought it.

The constant refinancing raises the question of why the Bidens, who have a reported net worth of $10million, needed a constant flow of extra cash.

‘It doesn’t make a lot of sense unless they were desperate for cash,’ a finance expert told

The revelation comes as questions grow about the president’s involvement in his son Hunter’s shady business dealings with Chinese oil giant CEFC and other foreign entities.

According to the mortgage documents, the president and first lady purchased their current four-acre lot for $350,000 in March 1996 but have since saddled it with 20 different home credit agreements and mortgages totaling $4.23million.

Their previous five-bed, 2.5-bath home in the same town was purchased for $185,000 in 1975 – and sold controversially for $1.2million in 1996.

Records show the property had a total of 15 mortgages and lines of credit attached to it.

Glenn Beck also thinks something smells mighty fishy.

The Real Cherokee Owl:

Is THIS the Shady Reason Joe Biden Keeps Refinancing His Home⁉️

A report has come out in the Daily Mail that claims, “Joe and Jill Biden have been using their Delaware house for fast cash – refinancing 20 times with loans totaling $4.2 million since buying the $350k home.” That’s a little weird, Glenn says. Why would the Bidens do that? And also, how did the Bidens – a career politician and a teacher – amass a reported $10 million net worth? Well, Glenn decides to see what ChatGPT has to say about this. Why would someone do all this refinancing…if it were a TV show, of course? Well, A.I. gave quite a telling answer …


It’s hard not to suspect something shady is going on, especially given the bad reputation the Biden Boys have. However, let’s assume nothing underhanded is happening and Biden is just refinancing like a madman—extracting cash roughly every 17 months or so. At the ripe old age of 81, Joe Biden is still paying off some hefty mortgages. With that said, this man has no business anywhere near the Treasury or the US economy, which would explain a lot about why everyone is struggling to make ends meet under this buffoon.