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There’s no denying it: Boris Johnson is a huge establishment scumbag, cozying up with his globalist uniparty pals and never letting a good opportunity go to waste. However, once in a blue moon, even these chuckleheads make a decent point deserving of a shout-out. This situation is one of those rare cases. As it turns out, the Dems’ decision to weaponize the US judicial system and turn justice into political lawfare was such a bad idea that even their uniparty stalwarts can’t stand by and support it. Heck, they can’t even ignore this political debacle, which is why Boris Johnson has unleashed a savage hit piece that takes a gigantic political dump all over the Dems’ mob-style hit against President Trump. In the piece, Boris even goes so far as to explain that what the Democrats did will likely guarantee Trump’s next victory.

Actually, we covered the Dems bonehead move and the regret that followed:


In life, we all have those horrific “aha” moments where we pause and think, “Oh no, what have I done?” This usually happens when some poorly planned, desperate scheme goes off the rails. And that’s exactly what the Dems are experiencing right now as their entire “sham conviction” plot begins to unravel like a ball of cheap yarn, leaving nothing but a chaotic, disheveled mess behind.

Nobody was surprised by the verdict, but decent people were horrified to witness this “North Korea-style” maneuver in the so-called land of the free. We’re all sitting here watching the Democrats weaponize the judicial system to attack their political enemies. The regime has lined up crooked courts in liberal-run cities, complete with compromised activist judges, tainted juries, and sure-fire verdicts. They did the same thing to J6 political prisoners and Douglass Mackey, the young man who was convicted of a felony for sharing an anti-Hillary meme online. This is a tactic straight out of Iran’s playbook. This isn’t how the US is supposed to behave; we’ve lost the last sliver of moral high ground we had and have descended into complete and total “banana republic” territory. Ironically, for the first time ever, many of these Democrats who egged this one are finally seeing the writing on the wall and reading the room correctly—and the panic is setting in.


♬ original sound – Thebannedbeard4

You can read the entire piece here:

Dems have an epic ‘Come to Jesus’ moment after President Trump’s sham conviction backfires all over the place…

We’re not the only ones who’ve noticed this unbelievably tone-deaf lawfare move. As a matter of fact, Biden and his regime are facing righteous criticism at every turn.

And that’s where Boris steps in with his blistering new piece in the Daily Mail. He takes savage aim at the Dems and their unimaginable desperation and stupidity in targeting the most popular political figure in America (trumped-up pun intended) with shameful charges. It’s a pathetic effort to take him down and once again interfere in a US election, and as Boris correctly states, it will backfire and Trump will win.

As Boris explains, this was nothing more than a political hit, and everyone knows it.

Daily Mail:

Whaaat??? How can anyone survive that? By all the laws of politics the Trump campaign should today be a smoking ruin.

He’s a felon. He’s a criminal – and he is the first president in US history to be convicted of such ostensibly serious offences.

Every time that jury foreman pronounced the word ‘Guilty’ in the Manhattan court on Thursday, he should by all normal logic have been dealing a death-blow to Donald Trump’s hopes of regaining the White House.

He said it not just once but 34 times. This was no ordinary political assassination. This was a machine-gun mob-style hit-job on Trump.

When the news flashed up on the world’s screens, there were commentators in studios everywhere whose voices audibly trembled with excitement. For a brief intoxicating moment it was as if they truly believed they had got him.

It looked as though the great global coalition of fastidious anti-Trumpies had finally found the bazooka big enough to penetrate the pachydermous Presidential front-runner.

The left’s TDS celebration was very short-lived. The Daily Mail piece continues:

As Trump left the courtroom, we were invited to contemplate a parade of delirious images: Trump in handcuffs, Trump doing the perp walk to the cells; Trump in an orange jump suit; Trump meeting retribution in the showers of some appalling penitentiary.

My Oh My, they hugged themselves. It was all too magnificent. You could tell by the sheer size of the GUILTY headlines in the Left-liberal media – the breathless awe of the TV reporters – that they viewed this as a truly seismic moment, a once-in-a-generation political event.

It was HISTORIC, they all said. HISTORIC. Because there was now a real chance that Trump could actually be incarcerated – at the crucial moment in the Presidential election, when he is nailed on as the Republican candidate.

Surely no one would vote for a convicted felon – let alone one who might actually begin his term of office in the New York correctional facility in Sing Sing. Surely this was the end of his poll lead, they said.

Surely this was the end of his run altogether…

Dems thought they were in the clear, and then the first poll appeared and the bottom began to fall out. The Daily Mail piece goes on:

To the evident amazement of the pundits it appeared that most voters were indifferent to the verdict – by quite a large majority. But at least in the poll I saw there was an astonishing 15 per cent who were now more likely to vote for him, after the conviction, than they were before.

Again, you look at that kind of polling data, and you say, Whaaat? Week after week Trump has been forced to sit in that Manhattan court room. He has been subjected to all sorts of indignities and embarrassments, not least the unnecessarily extended and lubricious testimony of porn star Stormy Daniels.

He has now been found guilty on all counts – and yet more than one in six of all voters now says they are more likely to vote for him. What is going on?

I suppose Trump’s critics will say that his supporters have been brainwashed. The Left will say that his Teflon invulnerability is just evidence of the way he has corrupted politics.

They will say that the Trumpies are mad, wrong, flat-earthers and Roswell believers. Well, I disagree.

As it happens, I sympathise with the Trump supporters in their view of this trial, and its verdict. I didn’t like what happened in Washington on Jan 6 2021 when rioters stormed the Capitol. I believe that Trump should have conceded to Joe Biden immediately.

But in the end the American Constitution worked, and there was a peaceful and timely transition of power from one administration to the next.

Insofar as there is any attempt to corrupt the democratic political process, to me it is in the attempts of his enemies to use lawfare – cases like this one – to keep Donald Trump off the ballot, and to deprive the American people of the chance to vote for him.

Dems are discovering that even in Biden’s twisted America, it’s really difficult to convince the American people that to save their precious democracy, you must go full-blown ‘North Korea-style’ and start imprisoning your political enemies—who happen to be more popular than you. Somehow, that version of ‘freedom’ doesn’t sit well with the American people, and thank God for that.

We encourage you to read Boris’s entire piece. While he doesn’t often hit the mark, this time he made several spot-on points. Read it here:

BORIS JOHNSON: This was a machine-gun mob-style hit job on Trump. It was nakedly political – and will make his victory more likely, not less