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Resident Joe Biden is expected to sign an executive order Tuesday that would allow his regime to halt asylum claims at the US-Mexico border once apprehensions reach 2,500 per day. Yes, you heard that right: AFTER apprehensions hit 2,500 per day. Talk about closing the barn door when the horse has already bolted—but actually, it’s even worse than that. This is nothing more or less than an executive order that essentially cements the “legal” crossing of illegals but caps it at a certain number. This does nothing to truly close the border or stop the flow. Like everything Biden does, it’s smoke and mirrors around an election.

Time Magazine:

President Joe Biden is expected to sign an executive order Tuesday that would allow his Administration to halt asylum claims at the U.S.-Mexico border once apprehensions at the border reach 2,500 per day.

Because the current daily number of people encountered by the Border Patrol between ports of entry is well over 2,500, this order would effectively shut down most asylum applications at the border when it takes effect. In May, about 3,800 people were encountered per day, according to data obtained by CBS News. The asylum claim process would only be allowed to resume if the number of daily encounters drops below 1,500.

The U.S. asylum system is heavily backlogged, with over 1.1 million asylum cases currently pending approval in immigration courts. The average asylum seeker waits around four years before receiving a hearing in immigration court, according to Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), a nonprofit research group at Syracuse University. While cases are pending, asylum seekers live in limbo, with limited rights to employment and public benefits. The number of asylum cases pending has grown seven-fold since 2012, according to TRAC.

The entire move is nothing more than a disastrous political stunt.

But don’t worry, Biden’s media lapdogs will spin this “border closing” into an election-time “victory,” even though Joe’s already allowed in millions of unvetted illegals and is doing nothing to actually stop the madness. Oddly enough, we’ve been told by Biden and his mouthpiece, Karine Jean-Pierre, that Biden either doesn’t have the “power” to shut down the border or it isn’t his “job” to do it, even though he undid all the successful Trump policies that led to this collapse.

Now, suddenly, as his poll numbers continue to tank, he makes this pathetic move to appear as if he’s shutting it down.

Spoiler alert: He’s not.

Collin Rugg:

JUST IN: After letting 7,298,486+ illegals into the country, Biden is now “examining” the power he has to shut down the U.S. border with the election around the corner.

After shuffling his feet for 3 years, Biden is finally ready to “examine” closing down the border.

“We’re examining whether or not I have that power,” Biden said. (Reuters)

He added that there was “no guarantee” but says he is considering it now that the “bipartisan border” legislation didn’t make it through Congress.

Now that they’ve imported more illegals than the population of 36 states to ensure they win more elections, the Biden administration suddenly cares about closing the border.


On the other hand, President Trump, who has a proven track record of success at the border, has unveiled yet another winning plan to clean up Joe’s mess, and the American people like what they hear.

The New York Times:

Former President Donald J. Trump has described his plans to remove large numbers of unauthorized immigrants from the country if elected to a second term by citing the mass deportations under President Dwight D. Eisenhower in the 1950s.

In that initiative, federal agents and law enforcement officers used military techniques such as sweeps, raids and surveillance checkpoints — as well as a blunt form of racial profiling — to round up undocumented workers and load them onto buses and boats. As many as 1.3 million people were expelled, mostly Mexican and Mexican American workers, some of whom were U.S. citizens. Critical to the initiative — named Operation Wetback, for the racial slur — was intense anti-immigrant sentiment. Officials at the time used that sentiment to justify family separations and overcrowded and unsanitary detention conditions — practices that the Trump administration would deploy decades later in its own immigration enforcement.

As the 2024 presidential election heats up, some Latino advocacy and immigrant-rights groups are sounding the alarm that Mr. Trump’s tactics could amount to a repetition of a sordid chapter of American history. But recent polling shows that Mr. Trump’s position on immigration appears to be resonating. About half of Americans have said they would support mass deportations of undocumented immigrants, according to a CNN poll conducted by the research firm SSRS in January.

Trump himself was horrified by Biden’s new sham of a plan.

However, President Trump understands better than anyone that winning at the border isn’t easy when you’re surrounded by regime loyalists at every turn. As if what Biden’s doing isn’t stomach-turning enough, we now have the Speaker who cried wolf, barking up a storm, right on cue. Speaker Johnson’s got a lot of nerve, doesn’t he? He happily handed Biden everything he wanted to secure Ukraine’s border, but did absolutely nothing for ours. Now, suddenly, he’s outraged? The American people are utterly fed up with this uniparty double-talk.

Of course, Revolver doesn’t hold back.

Meanwhile, here’s Biden’s border at 1:30 am: wide open to unverified people from all over the world, and oddly enough, no Mexicans among this massive group.

By now, most Americans are wise to Biden’s game.

Joe’s got a limited window to inflict as much internal damage as possible. Keeping that in mind, an all-out invasion makes perfect sense. Biden’s not about to ease up now, though he might fool many into thinking he has. Meanwhile, his “replacement plan” is actually kicking into higher gear.