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Joe Biden is at it again, folks. And by “at it,” we mean he’s continuing his grand tour of bumbling and fumbling across America’s stages. This time, he landed in North Carolina at a campaign rally, where things went just as disastrously as his recent debate debacle.

Biden’s debate performance was such a disaster that it triggered a meltdown among the media and liberals, who are now clamoring for him to throw in the towel.

Some on the left are now spinning tales, suggesting Biden’s “bad night” was just the common cold.

However, it turns out the debate debacle wasn’t just a “cold” or a random mishap. Joe picked up right where he left off, continuing his floundering performance at his North Carolina rally.

Collin Rugg:

NEW: The President conducted a campaign rally in North Carolina that went about as well as his debate.

1. Refers to Roe v Wade as “roverovrovoverover”

2. Appears to suggest that his son died in a war.

3. Admits on stage that he can’t speak well, debate well, or walk well, while slurring his words.

4. Angrily yells into the crowd before coughing up a lung.

5. Says he intends on winning North Carolina before coughing up his other lung.

6. Slurs through parts of his speech while slamming Trump.

7. Lunges forward at the end of the speech to prove he is not old.

Clearly, Joe Biden is a man who is suffering from serious cognitive issues. Americans have a right to know what’s really going on here.

With that said, hopefully they’ll keep parading Joe around in public. At this point, it’s only helping President Trump.

Does this look like a mentally or physically healthy man to you?

Many are directing their anger towards Jill Biden, who seems indifferent to her husband’s struggles. James Woods speculates that Jill might be at her breaking point. That was the sentiment about the “good doctor” after this photo from last night’s debate circulated online.

Amid all this furor, Barack Obama dropped the new party line.

Barack Obama:

Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit. Last night didn’t change that, and it’s why so much is at stake in November.

Needless to say, Obama took a beating online.

“Bro, he is so cooked, just get Newsom to buck up and let biden live out the remainder of his days in Wilmington”

“Joe is done bro. But hey at least you don’t have to worry about running the country anymore”

“Hahahaha you’re stuck with a demented lying brain fog and that was NOT a bad debate night. Joe literally couldn’t put together a full sentence, spaced off, locked up, and the world saw the lies your puppet tried to spit out but couldn’t”

“LOL That wasn’t a “bad” debate, Barry. It was an up close and personal journey into the mind of Alzheimer’s patient.”

“You’re just worried you won’t be able to keep destroying the country in Joe Biden’s name. ”

“Bruh— you’re not getting a 4th term. It’s a wrap.”

Biden’s handlers, meanwhile, debuted his new talking points.

Speaking of online “damage control,” Biden’s team is out with their mops and buckets, trying to clean up the mess. However, it’s proving to be quite the challenge.

Joe has a lot of nerve questioning President Trump’s morals when he’s the guy who raised a crackhead and is accused of showering with his daughter. Biden’s dragging around a hefty load of baggage. And as we recently discussed, it’s not easy to simply replace a presidential candidate—thankfully, our system is designed to be cautious. We’ve explored the hurdles the Dems face if they ever tried to “get rid” of Biden on several occasions; this is our latest:


While the left is panicking, many on the right have embraced the conspiratorial theory that the Democrats set Joe Biden up for this debate performance in a sneaky way to usher him out of the presidential race. To be sure, anything is possible. Our position at the moment is more simple: the Democrats simply screwed up by not getting rid of Biden a year ago, and now they are stuck and are unable (or at least extremely unlikely) to be able to get rid of him. It is difficult for us to appreciate, but many of the Democrat elite actually believe the propaganda of the mainstream media, and out-of-touch donors and the like probably believed the media’s lies, downplaying Biden’s cognitive decline. For once, the Dems may have gotten screwed by their own propaganda machinery!

Another reason as to why the Dems didn’t get rid of Biden a year ago was put forth by commentator Scott Greer. Greer’s theory is that the Democrats’ strong performance in the midterms made it politically impossible for there to be a primary challenge to Biden. For a man in rapid cognitive decline, the timeline between the midterms and the debate last night can be an eternity.


The midterm results ensured no one serious ran against Biden in the primary. Democrats felt Biden was reasonably popular after 2022 and could easily win again. The problem for them is that he’s significantly declined–physically and mentally–since the midterms. But the only way to have replaced him was to beat him in the primary. They failed to do that.

You can read the entire piece here:

The Dems Need to Replace Biden, But They Can’t…

It’s still up in the air—will Joe bow out gracefully, or will he dig in his heels? Only time will tell, and we’ll be keeping a close watch.