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It seems as if every time we turn around, another American woman or child has been raped and/or murdered by one of Biden’s beloved illegals. Who can forget the beautiful nursing student Laken Riley, whose body was raped and life was snuffed out by one of Biden’s illegals? It was a savage crime that crushed the soul of America. How did it get this bad? What have we become? A dumping ground for foreign filth?

And when these savage, blood-thirsty criminals are caught, our officials aren’t even holding them accountable. They’re letting them go, allowing them to continue their rape and murder rampages across the US.

It’s as though women and children are unsuspecting prey, completely unaware they’re being hunted by Biden’s border invaders until it’s tragically too late.

End Wokeness:

SAY HER NAME: Rachel Morin, 37 year old mother of 5 chiIdren (Maryland).

Rachel went for a hike and was r*ped and brutally killed by an illegal migrant.

Victor Antonio Martinez Hernandez came through the U.S. border last year from El Salvador, after he killed a woman there.

Hernandez is also linked to other violent activities since his arrival in the U.S.

In fact, Rachel’s sister has openly blamed Biden for her sister’s death. She argues that Biden has “blood on his hands” after reversing President Trump’s successful border policies, sparking this deadly invasion that ended up in her sister’s brutal rape and murder.

And speaking of President Trump, he understands better than anyone the reality of this dark situation that Biden and the Democrats have put us in.

Officials should have known a “rape problem” was on the horizon; after all, over 400 women and children were assaulted in rape tents on their way to the US. Do our elites think that once these rapist men got here, they’d suddenly lose interest in rape?

It’s almost as if we’re now rewarding these savage criminals, letting them stay here to commit their heinous crimes on the American taxpayer’s dime. How foolish can we be? We’re being led by soulless ghouls whose only concern is clinging to power at all costs—even if it means sacrificing your virtue and your life.

So many young girls’ lives have been totally destroyed, thanks to Biden’s border invasion. Does he care? Not one bit.

Jason Jones:

JUST IN: An illegal immigrant in Rockland, Massachusetts is being held without bail for the r*pe of a 15 year old migrant girl.

Cory Alvarez, 26, migrated from Haiti in June 2023 and has been staying at a Comfort Inn in Rockland since October. The hotel is being used by the state as a shelter for migrants.

With the US bracing for a wave of migrants from Haiti, how many more times is this going to happen on Biden’s watch?

Her grief-stricken mother is fighting back, but even so, nothing will bring her sweet daughter back. This is Joe Biden’s fault. He is to blame.

Is this the future you want for your daughters and granddaughters? We’re already dealing with enough violence and chaos, courtesy of soft-on-crime Democrats. The last thing we need is to import more.

Just so you know, you’re footing the bill for some illegal savage to drive around in a van dubbed a “rape dungeon.” Let freedom ring, eh?

Sadly, a 12-year-old Houston girl was also a victim of one of these senseless, savage illegal migrant killing sprees.

Mario Nawfal:


Houston police have arrested two Venezuelan migrants, Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, for the murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray.

Pena Ramos crossed the border illegally in May and was released into the US after claiming fear for his life.

Surveillance footage identified the suspects meeting Jocelyn at a convenience store before her murder.

Her body was found in a creek.

Both men were arrested at their Houston apartment complex.

Homeland Security is investigating their immigration histories.

Source: New York Post

However, this isn’t just a problem with Biden’s beloved illegals; migrant violence, rape, and death are global issues. Just take a look at what’s happened in the UK.


Rape and violence from these so-called “migrants” is so widespread that fed-up European rape victims are actually speaking out.

Let’s face it, some cultures simply aren’t designed to coexist with others, and there are valid reasons for that.


Joe Biden, along with all progressive globalist leaders, have blood on their hands. They’ve allowed dangerous and deadly invasions to overwhelm their countries, putting women and children at risk from these young, strong male predators who have no interest in conforming or assimilating to any culture. We’re losing this battle and being swamped by people who despise everything we stand for. The stark choices we face are simple: Bend to their demands or remove them from our communities—those are the only realistic options left on the table.