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It’s become painfully clear: the Biden regime’s penchant for lawfare is a strategy very similar to their crafty weaponization of COVID against right-wingers who dared to challenge the vaccine mandate and our so-called “expert” narratives. Now, with the upcoming election cycle just heating up, they’ve targeted yet another right-wing legend: Steve Bannon.

Bannon spoke outside the courthouse following his unjust sentencing, declaring, “There’s not a prison or a bullet that will ever shut me up.”

Here’s how President Trump responded to the sham legal proceeding:

As you know, Bannon and Peter Navarro are both key players behind the influential WarRoom success, and now, coincidentally, both are being silenced as we approach the heart of the 2024 election cycle. And speaking of the incarcerated Peter Navarro, he recently wrote a compelling op-ed for the Washington Times addressing this very issue:

Will former President Donald Trump wind up in a New York prison rather than behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office? From behind my own prison walls in Miami, I can’t rule that out. Indeed, the parallels between my own case and Mr. Trump’s are striking.

I am the first senior White House official ever charged with contempt of Congress. This is all the more outrageous given that for more than 50 years, Department of Justice policy decreed it was my duty to do what I did — refuse to testify before Congress once Mr. Trump invoked executive privilege, which was not my privilege to waive.


Given the facts in the case, my judge, Amit Mehta, should have given me, at most, a 30-day suspended sentence and put me on probation for a few months. Judge Mehta himself admitted that I had done what I had done out of an unshakable belief that I was doing what my oath of office and the Constitution required. My conviction was contrary to Justice Department policy.

Yet instead of showing respect or mercy for a public servant who had created thousands of jobs and saved countless lives during the pandemic, Judge Mehta not only threw the book at me. In his sentencing, the Machiavellian Mehta cleverly and strategically made sure I would not get any sentence reduction from the 2018 First Step Act — which, ironically, I myself had helped lobby for.

Bannon’s recent mandate to surrender on July 1st and serve prison time for refusing to comply with a sham January 6th subpoena is a clear case of judicial lawfare—and yet another disgraceful example of the regime’s election interference. We have a shameless, two-tiered injustice system that favors those who toe the progressive line.

Revolver’s own Darren Beattie saw this coming as the left shifted from doxxing to incarceration and legal harassment. Ironically, they road-tested this new phase with the Douglass Mackey trial.


Similarly, the sham criminal cases against Donald Trump are easily understood as the follow-up to several less-powerful strategies that failed to reign Trump in. Targeting his businesses failed. Sweeping lawsuits failed. Deplatforming him off of social media failed. Trump still insisted on running again in 2024, so what option was left? At this point, there are really only two, both favorites of thuggish tinpot regimes the world over: stick Trump in jail on spurious charges, or pursue the “ultimate cancellation” of, well, you fill in the blank.

But Douglass Mackey is probably the best example of all. Unlike Jones or Trump, he was an anon when he committed his “offenses.” He was targeted not for public political activity but for private actions. And yet, nevertheless, the Department of Justice went through the effort of warping a 150-year-old law, the Ku Klux Klan Act, so that it could justify trying to throw Mackey in prison for posting an anti-Hillary Clinton meme.

Expect the Mackey model to be employed more and more often, on flimsier and flimsier pretexts. Because when a regime can’t use shame to destroy its foes, there is always force.

You can read the entire piece here:

Doxxing Is Dying—But the World Isn’t Free Yet

So, why Bannon and Navarro? Because their voices resonate, their influence scares the powers that be. With Bannon out for the entire election cycle, the message is clear: dissent will not be tolerated by the regime. This move isn’t just about punishing Bannon; it’s about shutting down a major informational resource that has been a thorn in the side of the establishment for eons. But they can’t silence a movement, can they?

That’s why the regime now seems to reserve actual prison time for those who truly disrupt their narrative. It’s a two-tier weaponized justice system where the scale tips towards silencing opposition. This isn’t just an attack on individual rights—it’s a full-blown assault on the American people and our way of life.

The regime’s lawfare strategy is glaringly obvious, and their agenda is crystal clear. As we head into another election season, expect more of these desperate attempts to silence the voices that matter most. This isn’t just about keeping Bannon quiet—it’s about ensuring their narrative faces no opposition. But here’s the catch: the more they push, the stronger the resistance grows, and Steve Bannon knows this better than anybody else in the game.