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Once again, the NFL proves it’s a tool for the progressive left, which is truly ironic given that so many of its fans are God-fearing, traditional Christians. Not to mention, a whopping 35 percent of the players are evangelicals.


According to the Institute for Faith & Freedom, more than 35% of NFL players are evangelical, which is about 10 percentage points higher than the national average. Additionally, an estimated three-fourths of NFL starting quarterbacks are evangelical Christian.

Yet, even so, the NFL constantly aligns with godless left-wing agendas. From being anti-police to endorsing deviant sexual fetishes, supporting pro-abortion stances, and kneeling while pushing anti-American ideals. When a Christian player, like Kansas City Chiefs’ kicker Harrison Butker, stands up for his Catholic beliefs, the left has a complete meltdown—and the NFL is right there to cheer them on and support their anti-Christian stance.

Fox News:

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker was the commencement speaker at a private college in Kansas last weekend. The three-time Super Bowl winner brought up several topics during his roughly 20-minute-long speech at Benedictine College.

At one point during the address, he encouraged women in the graduating class to embrace their “vocation” as a “homemaker.” Butker also assailed Pride month, which has served as a particularly significant time for the LGBTQ+ community on an annual basis.

“I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you,” Butker said.

“Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. I can tell you that my beautiful wife Isabelle would be the first to say that her life truly started when she started living her vocation as a wife and as a mother,” he said.

Butker also took aim at President Joe Biden for his position on abortion and his administration’s COVID-19 policies.

“While COVID might have played a large role throughout your formative years, it is not unique,” he said. “The bad policies and poor leadership have negatively impacted major life issues. Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for the degenerate cultural values and media, all stem from pervasiveness of disorder.”

Butker also encouraged women to embrace what he called the “most important titles of all” as a Catholic.

“For the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. You should be proud of all that you have achieved to this point in your young lives,” he said. “I want to speak directly to you briefly, because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you. How many of you are sitting here now, about to cross this stage, and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you are going to get in your career? Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world.”

Since when did standing up for traditional Christian values—on which this country was founded—become taboo? It’s perfectly acceptable for progressives to loudly “shout” their abortions, push gender reassignment for young kids, and support parades where scantily-clad men flaunt their sexuality in public, often right in front of families. Yet, dare to mention tradition or Christian values—the predominant faith in the US—and you’ll be ridiculed as though you just advocated for killing puppies and kittens. That’s the sad reality in the USA today, a Christian nation ruled by a small group of big-mouth demons. Thankfully, not everyone is standing by quietly. The beautiful and courageous daughter of the Kansas City Chiefs’ owner took a stand for Christianity and free speech, backing Butker’s remarks with passion and conviction—something the NFL refused to do.


The NFL’s assertive stance that the league does not share Butker’s traditional Christian values stands in stark contrast to how the NFL handed the situation of infamous national anthem protester Colin Kaepernick. The league never disagreed with his flagrantly anti-American and anti-police statements.

However, when Butker speaks on Christian values to a Christian audience at a Christian university, the league apparently feels the need to distance themselves from the comments.

In fact, not only did the NFL not correct Kaepernick’s extreme views, but they also adopted key points of his cause and created Inspire Change, a social justice initiative. Which liberally donates tens of millions annually to groups, some of whom advocate for defunding or abolishing the police.

And, of course, the NFL had far more cause to voice their dissent from Kaepernick’s views, not just because they were repulsive but also because the former 49er was making their customers a captive audience (who disagreed with him, overwhelmingly) by holding his protest before a live game as well as using NFL facilities to give interviews about his warped worldview.

The NFL routinely rebukes Christianity and traditional values, largely because they know most Christian conservatives won’t fight back. They keep watching the games and buying season tickets, so the NFL knows they can get away with pretty much anything. Meanwhile, this young lady is sticking her neck out for all of us.

Collin Rugg:

NEW: Daughter of the KC Chiefs owner, Gracie Hunt defends kicker Harrison Butker who is facing backlash for giving a speech on traditional values.

During a “Pickleball Outreach,” Hunt said she supports mothers who choose to stay home to raise their children.

“I really respect Harrison and his Christian faith and what he has accomplished on and off the field.”

“I can only speak from my own experience, which is I’ve had the most incredible mom who had the ability to stay home and be with us as kids growing up.”

“It was really formative in shaping me and my siblings to be who we are.”

Great response 🔥


We need more brave warriors like this young woman, who is courageously stepping into the line of fire—not just for her religious beliefs but for the very freedoms this country was built on. In America, we’re supposed to cherish different opinions. However, nowadays, if you don’t toe the progressive line, you risk losing everything and being ravaged by the left-wing mob.