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The left is finally admitting that Joe Biden is keenly aware he’s losing this race—big time. In fact, they’re pointing to a glaring “neon sign” that not only proves Biden is sinking fast but also that he knows it and is desperate enough to attempt a drastic “Hail Mary” move to salvage it.

President Trump is cleaning Joe’s clock all over the country, especially in most swing states.

What is this move? According to Bill Maher, it’s the dreaded debate. And “dreaded” is the word, because Joe Biden’s condition has deteriorated to the point where walking and stringing together a sentence is nearly impossible for him. Maher argues that Biden would never have agreed to the debates unless he knew just how truly dire the situation is.

And speaking of the debates, President Trump isn’t playing around. He’s demanding Joe Biden be drug tested beforehand because he, like so many Americans, believes Joe appears drugged up before big events. Take the State of the Union, where Trump claims Biden was “high as a kite.”

This man doesn’t blink, and that’s not normal.

If you’re wondering why the left isn’t quaking in their boots, “Morning Joke” Joe Scarborough might just have the answer. He spilled the beans, revealing all the aces the Dems have up their sleeves to clinch a Biden victory, real or not, despite the undeniable fact that the American people don’t want him and probably never did. So, no matter how badly Biden sinks in the polls, Democrats know he will win. What does that tell you? It sounds like a repeat of 2020.

But is Morning Joe just spouting out wishful thinking, trying to keep the sparks of hope alive for so many misguided Americans suffering from Stage 5 TDS? Maybe so, but let’s not put anything past these power-crazed tyrants. There’s nothing they won’t do to “win.”