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Joe Biden may be a total and complete disaster, but one thing he’s doing right for his Marxist cohorts is getting his radical judicial nominees on the bench, actually outpacing President Trump, and that should concern all of us because the Biden regime has been dedicated to weaponizing the judicial system.

Fox News:

Biden hit a milestone on Wednesday, officially appointing 200 judges to the federal bench and cementing what will be a long-lasting effect on the country’s judiciary, according to experts and lawmakers.

Biden is currently outpacing former President Trump, who made significant traction in judicial appointments. Trump was able to get nearly as many federal appellate judges confirmed as former President Obama before him, who notably had double the time.

“Judges matter. These men and women have the power to uphold basic rights or to roll them back,” Biden said in a statement recognizing his 200 appointments.

Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, slammed Biden’s nominees as “the most political nominees I’ve ever seen nominated for the federal bench.”

“Joe Biden, like Barack Obama before him, is thoroughly committed to transforming the federal judiciary and packing it with radical left-wing judges,” said Josh Hammer, senior counsel for the Article III Project.

Biden and his counterparts in the Senate, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Dick Durbin, D-Ill., celebrated the accomplishment, specifically highlighting the racial, ethnic and gender diversity among his slate of appointments.

The parade of radical activist judges is a spectacle. Just when you think they can’t get any worse, another one comes along that makes the rest look tame. Enter Judge Sarah Netburn, possibly the most insane one yet. She’s Biden’s nominee, a tranny-loving activist so consumed by political ideology and reckless activism that she allowed a 6’2″ hulking serial rapist and child molester into a women’s prison, simply because he “identified” as a woman.

Netburn faced the Senate Judiciary Committee, vying for a seat on the Southern District of New York bench, and she had a very bumpy and uncomfortable ride. Thanks in large part to Ted Cruz, who fired up his metaphorical Weber grill and barbecued Ms. Netburn until she was well done. This is Ted Cruz at his exceptional best. Not only did he thoroughly grill this radical lunatic, but he also opened the eyes of Americans still asleep to just how dangerous and radical the left’s trans agenda truly is.

Daily Caller:

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas grilled United States Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn Wednesday about a case centering around a serial child rapist during a Wednesday confirmation hearing.

Netburn, who was nominated for a seat on the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, was one of five judges testifying at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. Cruz started by asking Netburn if political ideology mattered more than individual rights. (RELATED: ‘Not A Gun Expert’: Biden Judicial Nominee Self-Destructs When John Kennedy Asks Her To Define ‘Assault Weapon’)

“I don’t believe you, and I think this case demonstrates that you are willing to subjugate the rights of individuals to satisfy your political ideology,” Cruz said when Netburn claimed her political views “didn’t matter at all.” “This case involves a male defendant who raped a nine-year-old boy. Was he guilty of that?”

Ted snagged this radical activist judge on his hook and refused to let go. The Daily Caller piece goes on:

Cruz referred to a case where Justine Shelby, a biological male who identifies as female, filed a suit to force the Bureau of Prisons to assign him to a women’s prison following a federal conviction on child pornography charges. Netburn ruled that Shelby should be transferred to a women’s prison.

Cruz then got Netburn to confirm that the transgender inmate had also pled guilty to raping a 17-year-old girl, before questioning her about an August 2022 ruling ordering the Bureau of Prisons to transfer the biologically male inmate to a women’s facility.

“This individual, six-foot-two, biologically a man, a minute ago, you said that when this man decided that he was a she, you said this individual was, I wrote it down, ‘sober and entirely a female,’” Cruz said. “That phrase struck me as remarkable, did this individual have male genitalia?”

Netburn claimed that she was referring to the inmate being “hormonally a female,” and admitted that the inmate still retained male genitals after Cruz pressed her on the issue.

“So you took a six-foot-two serial rapist, serial child rapist, with male genitalia, and he said ‘You know, I’d like to be in a women’s prison,” Cruz responded. “And your answer was, ‘That sounds great to me.’”

Below is the full clip of the showdown:

Ted Cruz:

Biden’s nominee to be the judge for the Southern District of New York, Sarah Netburn, is an absolute radical.

She puts ideology before safety when it comes to housing biological men in women’s prisons.

When the Bureau of Prisons WARNED against housing a convicted serial child rapist in a women’s prison, Netburn disregarded the recommendation and housed the rapist with women anyway.

This was a disgusting, purely politically ideological decision made by the judge.

Lately, Cruz has been on an absolute roll. He also stuffed Blinken through a wood chipper over Iran, and now this. We’re as pleased as punch that he’s not letting these radicals off the hook. However, words only carry us so far. We need more than soundbites. Let’s hope and pray this woman doesn’t get anywhere near a district court.