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The anti-America First forces took a swing at Thomas Massie and ended up face-planting spectacularly. It kicked off when AIPAC, a powerhouse of around 3 million Israel lobbyists, set their sights on the well-liked Kentucky congressman. This group tirelessly champions Israel’s cause, often overshadowing America’s interests. So, anyone who, like Massie, prioritizes the US quickly lands on their radar with a bullseye on their back, and they pulled out all the stops to boot him from the race. Isn’t it odd that in the land of the free, putting your own country first can be seen as negative by a group like this?

Despite their intense efforts, it was Massie who had the last laugh. He didn’t just beat AIPAC; he steamrolled over them, clinching his primary with an overwhelming landslide victory.

However, the cherry on top of this ludicrous situation is how AIPAC, after unleashing a slew of anti-Massie ads and dropping nearly half a million dollars, now claims they weren’t actually “playing” or meddling in his primary. Say what? Needless to say, Congressman Massie took a well-deserved victory lap on X and gleefully anticipated the “ratio” this election-meddling group would likely receive for their sketchy antics.

Interestingly enough, AIPAC tried to justify their election meddling by sharing an article from Jewish Insider, but it backfired spectacularly. Instead of clearing the air, it only proved their anti-Massie agenda.

Jewish Insider:

The AIPAC-affiliated United Democracy Project is set to begin running television ads today opposing Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), a House Republican who has consistently voted since Oct. 7 against bills and resolutions to support Israel, combat antisemitism and counter Iran and its terrorist proxies.

UDP spokesperson Patrick Dorton said the group is “not playing [around]” in Massie’s May 21 primary election, where he faces no serious primary opposition. The group is making an initial buy of $300,000 in TV air time on all Fox affiliate channels in Kentucky.

“We are shining a spotlight on Tom Massie’s atrocious anti-Israel record,” Dorton said. “We are going to make sure every voter in the state of Kentucky knows how bad Tom Massie is on Israel.”

Massie, a libertarian-minded Republican generally opposed to foreign aid, is seen as a potential contender for Kentucky’s Senate seat in 2026; Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who has faced health issues and recently announced plans to step down as GOP leader, is not expected to run for reelection.

The 30-second advertisement asserts that Israel is “under attack by Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah and Congressman Tom Massie.”

“Republicans are trying to help Israel, but one Republican is standing in the way,” the narrator states. “Fifteen times in April, Massie was the only Republican voting with anti-Israel radicals. Massie’s votes: helpful for Iran, harmful to Israel.”

“Everyone who cares about the Holy Land needs to know, Tom Massie is hostile to Israel,” the ad concludes.

Their claim that they were not “playing around” in Massie’s primary is pure hogwash and a slap in the face to voter intelligence. They’ve been targeting Massie, a staunch America-First warrior, for quite some time. As a matter of fact, three years ago, Massie called out AIPAC for “foreign election interference.”

The Jewish Insider piece goes on:

The super PAC previously ran a series of TV, radio and digital ads last year targeting Massie’s votes on Israel issues.

Massie has publicly sparred with AIPAC over its attacks on him, accusing the group, whose members and supporters are American, of conducting “foreign interference in our elections” — a trope that many have called antisemitic.

The ad campaign comes on the heels of a UDP ad blitz opposing former Rep. John Hostettler (R-IN), who also maintained an anti-Israel voting record during his time in office. Hostettler badly lost his comeback bid this week to a state legislator with a record of support for Israel.

It’s important to remember that putting your own country first isn’t anti-Semitic, just as it’s not “anti-American” for Israel to prioritize their interests and choose not to assist us in securing our wide-open border. In reality, AIPAC is nothing more than a globalist front engaged in foreign election interference. The true scandal here is their failure to register as a foreign agency—a stark illustration of the many tactics the uniparty employs to undermine our elections and sideline the American voter.