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This was the plan all along, and anyone who thought President Trump would simply skate out of this sham trial without a guilty verdict was either daydreaming or doesn’t grasp the weaponized judicial system we’re up against in the United States, especially in liberal-run cesspools like New York City and the DC Swamp. So, when the guilty verdict came down, nobody was surprised. Yet, decent, law-abiding Americans were horrified, as our country has morphed into a North Korea-style dictatorship under the Biden regime. After all, we’ve toppled dictators who were less destructive than Joe Biden, haven’t we?

President Trump responded to this injustice with stoic determination, power, and leadership, reminding everyone that the REAL verdict is coming in November.

Charlie Kirk:

BREAKING: Donald Trump reacts to the Manhattan jury’s guilty verdict:

“The real verdict will be November 5th by the people.”

“The whole country is being rigged right now. This is being done by the Biden Administration in order to hurt or wound a political opponent.”

“We’ll fight to the end and we’ll win…this is long from over.”

However, as this un-American nightmare unfolds, people are responding with some fascinating insights that shed light on what might happen next and where this country is headed. However, sadly, the first point to be made is that the uniparty is alive and well. You can tell by the weak responses who is secretly cheering behind the scenes that President Trump was convicted, starting with Mitch McConnell.

In addition, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Thomas Massie used this moment to remind America that Speaker Mike Johnson refused to defund Jack Smith. Just like with Mitch McConnell, their true intentions are revealed through their statements and actions.

Senator Tim Scott came out with a strong show of support for President Trump, but the GOP needs to understand that words alone are no longer enough. We need to see action and some serious consequences for the Democrats. Heads need to start rolling all over DC.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the aisle, RFK Jr. has weighed in. He’s clearly positioning himself politically with his latest statement, aiming to attract MAGA supporters if Trump’s fortunes go sideways. Regardless of his motives, his statement helps our cause in the battle against the Biden dictatorship.

Collin Rugg:

JUST IN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. blasts the Democratic party while coming to Trump’s defense, says they are helping him win the 2024 election.

RFK went on to argue that Democrats are getting “rid of as many possibilities for voters.”

“When I was growing up, the Democratic Party was the party of getting everybody to vote, of making sure nobody got disenfranchised.”

“The modern Democratic party is just trying to get rid of as many possibilities for voters as possible.”

Tucker Carlson said it best:

Import the Third World, become the Third World. That’s what we just saw. This won’t stop Trump. He’ll win the election if he’s not killed first. But it does mark the end of the fairest justice system in the world. Anyone who defends this verdict is a danger to you and your family.

The silver lining in this darkness is that the American people can clearly see what’s unfolding—how an unpopular dictatorship is weaponizing our most cherished institutions to cling to any shred of power available.

Megan Kelly says there’s a “reckoning” coming.

The Vigilant Fox:

🚨 NEW: Megyn Kelly suggests a reckoning is coming for Biden, Obama, and Clinton after Trump verdict.

“You just wait, and it won’t be Hunter Biden the next time. It’s going to be Joe Biden. It could potentially still be Barack Obama. It could still potentially be Hillary Clinton. We’re going to have to look at what the statutes of limitations are on the various crimes they surely committed. We’re going to have to look at passing laws to revive those dead crimes, felonies, or misdemeanors so that those cases can be brought out of time.”

Kelly says, “The only way to save the Republic now is to give them a taste of their own medicine.”

She compares the Democrats to a wolf that just “tasted blood” and suggests the only way to stop a wolf from “coming back for more” is “if he loses a limb of his own.”

“Who’s getting indicted next?” she asked. “Joe Biden? Maybe Jill Biden? How low can we go? You may not want to see it. That ship has already left port. That horse has left the barn. That’s where we’re going. So before you celebrate too much over at MSNBC and CNN, who are positively gleeful, gleeful over this absurd conviction, you wait and ask yourself, ask yourself what kind of Pandora’s box has been opened here?”

Clearly, the American people don’t like being told who they can vote for.

Phillip Anderson:

I just maxed out my credit card tonight donating to Trump’s campaign!

Because I want every f**king headline to read tomorrow that the Trump campaign raised $100,000,000 just hours after the bull shit verdict! Trump 2024 all the way !!!!!!

F**K dictator Joe Biden and his communist election meddlers!

This is the cover of today’s New York Post:

The moment President Trump was found “guilty” in this sham trial, Google searches for how to donate to Trump spiked.

Just take a moment to compare the Google search trends for donations to Trump versus Biden. Stunning, right?

It looks like the left just woke up 100 million people, and they know it.


The left appears to be bracing for impact rather than celebrating any victories.

And it definitely seems like the left is finally reading the room correctly.

This dictatorship is literally creating Trump supporters like a factory pumps out gadgets.


Voters who disliked President Trump are now vowing to support him.

Clearly, this shameful verdict isn’t about something President Trump did wrong—it’s a reflection of how far our country has veered off track. This isn’t Trump’s “shame.” It’s America’s shame. The only way to begin correcting this course is to vote for Trump in November and send a resounding message to the tyrants in the uniparty regime: We won’t accept their new version of America, and we, the people, are still in charge.