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The left has one very effective and cunning “go-to” strategy: they create front groups with names so empathetic and bulletproof they might as well be called “Puppies and Kittens Are Soft.” Take “Black Lives Matter” or “Anti-Fascists” (ANTIFA)—names that embody concepts no reasonable person would argue with. This clever naming scheme makes any criticism of these groups look totally unreasonable, perfectly demonizing and squashing dissenters. Meanwhile, angelic monikers aside, these organizations are often violent criminal groups, serving as tools for the progressive regime. So, while they parade around under the banner of virtue, the real conversation should focus on their actions, not just their untouchable names.

The left does the same thing with the term “disinformation,” branding themselves as “disinformation experts” and the crusaders of truth. However, the reality is that they’re often the ones peddling lies, fake news, and propaganda. They do this by hiding behind this fancy label and positioning themselves as the ultimate arbiters of truth, where anyone challenging their narrative is conveniently labeled as a “disinformation” agent. It’s a slick marketing trick, using clever names as shields to deflect scrutiny and silence dissent, and for a while, nobody worked this scheme better than NBC News’ Ben Collins, the so-called “disinformation expert.”

Ben is no longer with NBC News. Once Elon Musk took over Twitter, Ben had a public meltdown, and not long after that, he left his “disinfo” gig at NBC News. In a poetic twist of fate, Mr. Disinfo actually left the NBC gig to become the CEO of the satire news site “The Onion.”

Here’s a closeup of the images:

Revolver is well aware of Ben Collins and his former NBC sidekick, Brandy Zadrozny. They portrayed themselves as the arbiters of truth, yet they were notorious for spreading fake news and propaganda.


NBC News employs two individuals on their team, Ben Collins and Brandy Zadrozny, who have a reputation for being smear artists. Although they present themselves as “disinformation specialists,” their true purpose is to smear anyone who questions the globalist narrative by accusing them of spreading “mis-, dis-, and malinformation.” Unfortunately for Comcast, the massive conglomerate that owns NBC News, the outlet is currently facing intense scrutiny after one of their writers, Rebecca Shabad, published false information and fake news about a compassionate mother in Montana whose daughter had previously struggled with suicidal thoughts.

That’s right: NBC News just got hoisted on their own disinformation petard.

Here’s the story:

In March, while discussing a bill in Montana that aimed to protect minors with gender dysphoria, Republican State Representative Kerri Seekins-Crowe talked about how her own family had dealt with mental health problems. Here’s what Seekins-Crow said on the House floor:

“One of the big issues that we have heard today, and we’ve talked about lately, is that without surgery, the risk of suicide goes way up. Well, I am one of those parents who lived with a daughter who was suicidal for three years,” Seekins-Crowe said on the House floor. “Someone once asked me, ‘Wouldn’t I just do anything to help save her?’ And I really had to think, and the answer was, ‘No.’”

Even though Ms. Seekins-Crowe never said that her daughter was a “transgender,” NBC still decided to run this headline claiming that she was.

A Montana lawmaker suggested she’d rather risk her child’s suicide than let her transition

And this is the article summary that NBC News published:

State Rep. Kerri Seekins-Crowe said in a floor debate in March that her daughter “was suicidal for three years” and when asked if she’d do anything to save her, her answer was “no.”

Complete and total hogwash.

You can read the entire article here:

NBC News, home of Brandy Zadrozny and Ben Collins, in hot water for fake news disinformation scandal…

Revolver definitely hit a nerve and got under Ben’s skin. So much so, he sat around concocting “conspiracy theories” involving Revolver and Elon Musk. In one of the silliest videos ever made, Ben channels his inner “Scooby Doo” and claims to have cracked the big Twitter mystery. He starts off with a goofy teaser, bouncing into the frame while proclaiming he’s “figured out what Elon is doing.” But then, Ben never actually delivers the goods. Instead, he just laments over a viral Revolver story about Elon and the impending purchase of Twitter.

That two-year-old Revolver article is still relevant and worth reading today:

The Battle of the Century: Here’s What Happens if Elon Musk Buys Twitter

Ben’s wild obsession with the new Twitter didn’t end there. He launched into yet another whiny tirade:

There are plenty of models for where this site is likely headed. I’m on those sites all day. I cover extremism and lies for a living. You’re not gonna like it.

Other than being filled with death threats, racial slurs, and fake recipes for play-doh that actually produce napalm, the sites are simply unusable from a basic user experience level. Admins get bored of running a hellsite filled with garbage and let the bad stuff dominate.

There are plenty of ways this could work out fine. Pushing through beta stuff in a backlog — like an edit button — might make the site jankier right away but better in the long run. But it’s not going to be a public company, so this makes decisions and data less transparent.

For example, what if he were to lean in on maximizing profit above all costs? That means more ads, yes, or more paid features. But another fast way to make money with a userbase this big and young is to sell user info to data brokers. Wouldn’t be a ton of oversight on that now.

Twitter as it stands pulls down botnets that used to make this site very bad. (They still exist, trying to hawk NFTs, but to a much lesser extent.) What if this very expensive investment needs a shiny new user growth number so Twitter just… stops doing that? Not impossible.

Anyway, there’s a lot more at play here than just “Will Donald Trump be allowed back on here?” Who knows! Maybe? Probably? There are a lot more ways this site can be dramatically affected by an owner committed to using a hammer and not a scalpel.

Elon Musk and Revolver became the “super villains” that Ben Collins was fighting, as his grip on reality continued to slip.

Well, as it turns out, the richest man on earth didn’t need Ben’s garbage advice, after all.

In the end, Ben finally confessed out loud that he wasted a decade of his life. It’s nice to see he finally found the “truth.”

So, as the final curtain drops on Ben’s pathetic career, it turns out he’s snagged the perfect exit role as CEO of The Onion. It makes sense, right? Because fake news only gets a chuckle when you’re in on the joke—right, Ben?