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Biden’s border invasion has escalated from bad to worse. We’re now witnessing the next phase of the planned destruction of the United States, or, as the left fondly calls it, the “Great Reset. How do we know it’s planned? Because Biden rolled back all the successful policies President Trump had implemented, and now his regime is just sitting back, watching, and facilitating the invasion.


YEP – The Sheriff was right – The UN is spending well over a billion dollars in the way of cash – gift cards, etc to facilitate the invasion at our southern border – He has the proof.

Do you think we need to kick the UN out of the USA and stop financing them? They are using our money to invade our country with illegals.

After all, this invasion has been going on since Biden was installed. This clip is from last year, and it’s actually gotten worse since then.

According to Fox News reporter Bill Melugin, massive groups of men from around the world are now streaming across the southern border in the San Diego sector. Interestingly, not a single one is Mexican. Bill reports that these military-age men are from “special interest” countries with national security concerns, including Pakistan, China, and Iran.

And while this disaster unfolds, setting us up for another massive 9/11-style attack—or worse—we have Soros-backed prosecutors wasting time, attempting to imprison President Trump over a payment to a washed-up porn actress who was allegedly extorting him for money. Meanwhile, when questioned about the border invasion and why Joe doesn’t take action to remedy it, his mop-headed spokeswoman merely shrugs the question off, acting totally befuddled and shocked at the notion that Biden could actually “fix” the border. He shuffled in and totally blew up.

You’d think a regime so focused on so-called “terrorism”—especially since they label Trump supporters as the greatest threat to democracy—would take seriously reports of military-age men from legitimate terrorist countries pouring over the border unchecked. The fact that they don’t treat this as the immediate national security threat it truly is provides the biggest clue that this is all one big setup. Perhaps the CIA is “packing the stands,” so to speak, so when the “American Spring” unfolds—similar to the disastrous Arab Spring—they’ll have an entire army of angsty, violent foreigners ready to take up arms. Scary thought, but would you put it past them?