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There’s no denying it: the Biden campaign is off to a rocky start, and it doesn’t look like things are going to get better anytime soon. After all, there’s not a lot of room for improvement when this is your candidate.

Meanwhile, even while dealing with immoral political hit jobs and unjust indictments, President Trump continues to dominate national polling, swing states, and even betting markets.

There’s no denying it—things are looking really grim for Biden. However, just when Grandpa Joe thought things couldn’t possibly get any worse, the bottom has fallen out on one of his most airtight voting blocs: Arabs and Muslims (some Arabs are Christians). What would it take for Arabs and Muslims to not only abandon Joe Biden but throw their support behind President Trump? You might think it would take a political miracle. Well, behold—the miracle has happened. New data shows that Arabs and Muslims are not just telling Joe to take a hike; they’re actually becoming Trump supporters.

Are pigs flying? Perhaps that’s a bad analogy, but seriously, this plot twist is a shocker.

However, maybe we shouldn’t be all that surprised. After all, as you likely know by now, Arabs and Muslims are furious with Biden over his handling of the Israel-Palestine conflict. They see Israel as the enemy and are incensed that Biden is funding their war against the Palestinians. Nothing Joe does or says is helping his cause; in fact, the more he blubbers on, the worse things get for him.

Take a look at what’s unfolding in the United States right now, with Muslims and the Trump/Biden vote.

The Washington Post had this to say about the incredible change.

Josh Rogin:

As the election nears, some Arab American donors and activists are considering not just sitting out the race, but working outright to elect Trump. And in a private meeting this week in Michigan, Trump’s surrogates are going to do their best to bring them into the fold.

On Tuesday, a group of Arab American donors and activists from around the country plan to convene in Oakland Hills, Mich., for a private dinner initiated by Trump’s former ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, several of the invitees told me…

Tiffany Trump’s husband, Michael Boulos, and his father, Massad Boulos — a Lebanese business tycoon — will also attend. The dinner is one of many being organized by Trump’s associates with Arab American leaders in several battleground states…

“We are going to organize and we are going to do whatever we can financially to support Trump,” Haytham Albizem, a Pennsylvania doctor, told me. “What has the Biden administration done for Muslim Americans on any level? The answer is zero.”

@AsaadHannaa, a Syrian American activist based in Texas who plans to attend the Michigan meeting, told me he is working at the grass-roots level to build Arab American support for Trump via voter registration and education programs in several battleground states — many of which Biden won in 2020 with narrow margins…

“What we are seeing now in Gaza and across the region has set it backwards by decades. Everyone is thinking, how can we change this? What can we do?” he said. “That’s why people, including me, are now being more active in support of bringing Trump back to office.”

The fact that this opening even exists for a pro-Trump Arab American movement should be a wake-up call for the Biden team. This administration’s policies and neglect of this community is pushing it into Trump’s waiting arms. Time is running out for them to reverse this trend.

Trump sees the writing on the wall, and he’s ready to cash in on the anger Muslims are feeling.

The Washington Post:

Among Muslim Americans and Arab Americans, anger over President Biden’s approach to the Israel-Gaza war and the Middle East in general has been building for months, creating a possible threat to his prospects in November. In a New York Times-Siena College poll released last week, Donald Trump led Biden 57-25 among Arab and Muslim voters in five key battleground states; those who said they voted in 2020 reported they had supported Biden 56-35 at the time.

Ninety-four percent of Michigan Muslims voted “uncommitted” in February’s Democratic primary, according to an exit poll. Now, as the election nears, some Arab American donors and activists are considering not just sitting out the race, but working outright to elect Trump. And in a private meeting this week in Michigan, Trump’s surrogates are going to do their best to bring them into the fold.

On Tuesday, a group of Arab American donors and activists from around the country plan to convene in Oakland Hills, Mich., for a private dinner initiated by Trump’s former ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, several of the invitees told me. Grenell, who declined comment, is not a formal member of the Trump campaign. But Trump has recently referred to him as “my envoy,” and he is seen as a contender for a top national security position if Trump prevails in November. Tiffany Trump’s husband, Michael Boulos, and his father, Massad Boulos — a Lebanese business tycoon — will also attend. The dinner is one of many being organized by Trump’s associates with Arab American leaders in several battleground states.

Grenell reached out to Michigan physician Yahya Basha, a Syrian American community leader and donor to several Muslim advocacy organizations, to help arrange and host the meeting, Basha told me in an interview. Basha, who has cultivated ties with both Democratic and Republican administrations over the years, told me he has not yet chosen his 2024 candidate.

“It’s too early to say Trump is the one. That’s the reason we are hosting an event for his representative, to see how he views the community and what kinds of things he will do,” he said. “With [the Biden] administration, I was hopeful for a better policy, but unfortunately the delivery was lacking.

And whatever he’s doing appears to be working.

The numbers don’t lie, and Joe finds himself between a rock and a hard place right now, and he doesn’t have the brain power or the savvy to wriggle his way out. This is the poll Frank Luntz referenced above. Here are more details.


A New York Times/Siena College poll released Monday delivered potentially troubling news for the president, as Trump led in nearly every one of the six battleground states he lost to the president in 2020.

The survey found Trump leading among registered Middle Eastern, North African or Muslim voters in the swing states, with 57 percent saying they were planning to back him in November. Only 25 percent said they were supporting Biden.

However, Biden still held a lead over those voters who participated in the 2020 election, winning them 56 to 35 percent. This suggests that Trump could either be winning over less-engaged voters who did not vote in 2020 or that many of his supporters in that community are planning to vote for the first time.

About 70 percent of Muslim or Arab voters who are not planning to vote for Biden pointed to either foreign policy or the Gaza conflict as their reason for not supporting him, according to the survey.

The poll surveyed 4,097 registered voters from April 28 to May 9.

While this news is stunning and undoubtedly good for the Trump team, we can’t lose sight of what’s really important: working and middle-class white voters in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Sure, Arab and Muslim voters matter, especially in Michigan and Minnesota, but the 2024 election still hinges on those socially moderate upper Midwestern white voters—that’s where President Trump should focus the lion’s share of his efforts.