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So many on the left scratch their heads, totally baffled by President Trump’s popularity. How can such a huge swath of the nation back someone they believe is a modern-day Hitler? They label Trump supporters as out-of-touch, brainwashed, and hell-bent on turning America into the next Third Reich. But here’s the twist: They’re the ones who just don’t get it. These are the privileged few, lounging in their ivory towers, untouched by the grim realities of Biden’s doomsday economy. Why would the soaring cost of a chicken or a doubled utility bill faze them? With money to burn, their focus is on pushing progressive ideologies, oblivious to the struggles of average Americans scrambling just to make ends meet.

We’ve been spotlighting the dramatic downturn of the middle class, documenting our shift from a nation of secure homeowners to a society made up of nomadic renters.


What exactly is the American Dream? To get a grasp on this, we have to rewind to the 1950s. Back in those days, the American Dream was all about optimism and opportunity. It represented a tangible reality where dedication and hard work led to a cozy house with a white picket fence, a dependable job that could support a family comfortably, and the hope for an even brighter future for your kids.

This dream, however, wasn’t without its costs—it was fueled by a thriving post-war economy. But that led to accessible housing and a strong sense of community and belonging.

Now, fast forward to the present landscape in the USA, and you’ll see how most of that good old-fashioned stuff from the 1950s has disappeared. The dream that once felt within reach for many now seems like a distant relic of the past. It’s like hearing about a dinosaur; you’re aware of its existence, and you’ve seen the skeletons in museums, but beyond that, it doesn’t feel real. Why do you think so many Americans are packing up and leaving the United States?

Living costs have skyrocketed, and housing prices have soared to levels unattainable for the average Joe. Secure jobs with decent benefits—a must-have for supporting a family—have become scarce, largely thanks to globalism. They’ve been edged out by “gig” jobs and temporary work, which hardly offer the kind of stability or growth we once took for granted. And that promise of a brighter future for the next generation? That’s been tossed out the window too. The wealth gap continues to widen, and the middle class—once again, a victim of globalism—is on the brink of extinction, like the dinosaurs. Community ties that once defined the American way have also rotted away to nothing, thanks to leftist “individualism,” digital isolation, and, you guessed it, more globalism.

The stark reality is that the 1950s “American Dream” has been decimated by global economic forces, dangerous (and creepy) societal shifts, and anti-American political policies. Let’s face it, for a lot of Americans today, that dream isn’t just out of reach; it’s completely unattainable. The prospect of owning a home, supporting a family, and ensuring a prosperous future for your kids has turned into a pipe dream. Homeownership is on the decline, with “extreme risk levels” now characterizing the US housing market. It’s a really sad reminder of how far we’ve fallen from that once-beautiful and attainable dream.

RELATED: The American Dream is dead: owning a US home has now reached EXTREME RISK levels…

To these pampered elites, the hardships of filling up a gas tank are totally foreign concepts. Their solution? “Just buy a 60-thousand-dollar electric car.” Easy, right? This incredibly arrogant disconnect reveals a complete lack of understanding regarding the daily lives of countless working-class Americans who just want a bit of stability, normality, and peace. President Trump resonates with these forgotten men and women, extending a genuine hand of support to lift them out of their financial holes. He’s the beacon of light for those seeking not just to be heard but to be truly supported.

Interestingly, someone who gets this more than many is none other than Tucker Carlson’s neighbor. Meet Esau Cooper, Tucker’s nearest neighbor in Western Maine. He’s got a nugget of wisdom for the elites if they’re willing to come down from their ivory towers to listen: The primary objective of any bureaucracy is to grow itself. Trump understands this and is determined to put an end to it and return power back to the people. After all, they’re the ones who truly know what it takes to lead a fulfilling American life.

Tucker Carlson Network:

Why is Donald Trump so popular among blue-collar workers?

Esau Cooper, one of Tucker’s closest neighbors in Western Maine, is far more in tune with the state of America than our ruling class could ever grasp.

“Job one of a bureaucracy is to make itself bigger. Trump recognized that.”


The brilliance of this clip lies in how Esau masterfully highlights the real challenges, corruption, and problems confronting working-class Americans today.

While everyone argues over George Floyd statues, gender fluidity, and insect burgers, the foundations of our nation are eroding. The focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) is undermining the pursuit of excellence that once propelled us forward. Now, we’re a “charity-based” society. It’s like the bridge in Baltimore—just one solid hit, and everything collapses like a house of cards. This shift away from merit and quality toward a checkbox culture is a dangerous path, that’s weakening the very fabric of our society.

This is America in a nutshell:

Here’s the hard truth that Tucker’s neighbor so perfectly pointed out: the pressing issues we face in the United States aren’t about systemic racism or misusing pronouns. They’re about Americans struggling to achieve the dreams their parents and grandparents realized in a nation being led by the nose to globalist slaughter.