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In this topsy-turvy world we’re living in, things sure have taken a strange turn. Once upon a time, chivalry reigned supreme in the United States. Honorable men were the norm, stepping up to handle business and keep things in order. They’d rush to assist an old lady crossing the street, hold doors open for ladies, and come to the rescue of damsels in distress.
But today, in America, it’s a whole different story. That old lady crossing the street might actually be a cross-dressing man. Hold a door open for a lady, and you might get an earful about misogyny. And if you dare intervene to help a woman in need, you could end up either dead or behind bars for defending yourself against some low-life thug. Does this sound like a situation you want to dive into? Probably not. Being a “good guy” in clown world is a thankless and dangerous job.
It’s truly disheartening to witness the toll this is taking on good, strong men. Their primal instinct is to help and protect—it’s woven into the core of who they are. So, to be forced to turn a blind eye and walk away goes against everything they stand for. What we’re left with are good-hearted guys forced to disengage or pay the price, and on the flip side, weak, effeminate beta males take their place, incapable of stepping up even if you paid them to. These types of men are even more fragile than today’s hulking women.
Here’s a prime example: a young white lady falls victim to a robbery at gunpoint by a black male, while a “beta male” simply sits by and watches it all play out. The young lady manages to disarm the thug and render the gun unusable, leaving the thug visibly stunned. But what’s truly intriguing is the bystander who chose not to intervene. Was he a shameful beta male, too timid and cowardly to act? Or perhaps a savvy modern man, keenly aware of the potential dangers awaiting him if he dared to play the hero in a dangerous situation?
Watch this clip and decide for yourself: beta-weak or alpha-smart?
NEW: Female University of Chicago student fights off a robber by grabbing his gun as he tried stealing her phone.
21-year-old Madelyn fended off a thug by grabbing his gun and removing the magazine before he hopped into a getaway car with her phone.
The thug looked dumbfounded as he looked for his magazine but Madelyn had thrown it in a bush.
Shortly before the incident, four suspects robbed two other students and demanded their belongings at gunpoint.
“I’m able to get my hands on the gun… and remove the magazine from the gun, and I toss it into the bush,” Madelyn recalled.
NEW: Female University of Chicago student fights off a robber by grabbing his gun as he tried stealing her phone.
21-year-old Madelyn fended off a thug by grabbing his gun and removing the magazine before he hopped into a getaway car with her phone.
The thug looked dumbfounded…
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) April 19, 2024
It’s a complex and very layered issue. Here’s what men online are saying:
“I’d rather some random Twitter account call me a “beta” than go to jail for a hate crime. Welcome to the new world.”
“Want to be safe in Chicago? Leave”
“Women are strong and independent now. They don’t need no man. Just ask them.”
“Not his woman, not his problem.”
“Woman have called this on themselves. They don’t need men. So the new generation of men rather not get involved.”
“Equal Rights and the Women’s Movement have made it clear women don’t need men Daniel Penny would agree”
“I’m proud of her and yet shocked that people just sit there and don’t help. Society has fallen.”
“Dude sat there like he was at the front row of a Broadway show.”
“She might have had a bit of firearms training, excellent. But who was that dude who just sat there and watched? Coward.”
“Notice the other dip$hit who sat on his hands and didn’t get involved. Pure Soy Boy there.”
“What’s up with the beta cuck just sitting there and watching? What happened to the men in this country?”
In the bad old days, the honorable thing for a man to do would be to pull out his .44 Magnum and blow away the bad guys with no remorse, Dirty Harry style. But nowadays, thanks to the feminist safety regime, guns are demonized, and none of the good guys are carrying them in blue cities like Chicago. What’s more, blowing away the bad guys would be a thankless task, as all of the spineless campus beta males and anxiety-ridden young blue-haired ladies would be baying for your blood if you did, and you’d then face a slew of federal and state-level charges and go on trial before a bovine, slovenly, low-IQ jury of your “peers” before being demonized as a “racist” and sentenced to life without parole in a state-run hellhole—and all of that just for doing the right thing, of course.
The sad truth is that a lot has happened to men in this country, especially white men. They’ve been demonized and dragged through the mud by angry women and the propaganda media. The feminist movement, which started out supposedly “empowering women,” has turned into outright “belittling men,” with the left and media piling on, portraying white men as today’s biggest villains. You can’t blame them for taking a step back. When you have a massive target on your back, the last thing you want to do is draw even more attention to yourself, even if you truly want to do good and help people in trouble.
It’s tempting to slap labels like “soy boy” or “beta male” on a guy like this, and perhaps he fits the bill. But the overall issue of good-hearted, brave men stepping up to help is far more complex nowadays. Before you rush to demonize men once more, take a moment to consider the repercussions for those who choose to take a stand and do what’s right. Is the risk really worth it in today’s climate?
Let us know where you land on this debate in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you.
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