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President Trump has stumbled upon a PR goldmine from an unexpected corner of the left. It’s none other than one of his former staunch critics, the guy who played a part in dragging ESPN down into despair with his non-stop TDS tirades—Mr. Stephen Smith. At some point, Biden’s radical policies soured Smith so much that now he’s sounding almost like he should be wearing a MAGA hat. That might be pushing it, but the truth is, he’s speaking out frankly, and whether you love him or hate him, Smith has the kind of influence that could shift public opinion. He’s calling out the Dems for letting fear and desperation drive their strategy instead of focusing on solid ideas and issues as they head into the 2024 campaign season.

But seriously, can you blame them? Just look at what the left is dealing with and what they’re up against. It’s like a replay of 2020, but this time Biden’s senility has only gotten worse, and they can’t just hide him in a basement again. The stakes are high, and their options look pretty limited.

And the American people are noticing the difference between President Trump and Bumbling Biden.

Stephen Smith has unwittingly turned into one of President Trump’s most formidable PR assets. What sets him apart from many hardcore Democrats is his refusal to sugarcoat the truth. He’s out there calling out every dirty trick the Dems pull, and he does it in real-time. What makes his voice even more compelling is that he’s an old-school liberal—his takes cut deep, right to the bone. His latest comments have been so spot-on and impactful that they’ve got to be causing some serious night sweats for the Biden regime, especially as Joe continues to lose support among black voters.

Unlimited L’s:

Stephen A. Smith says Donald Trump was ‘telling the truth’ when he said he was hearing that ‘black people find him relatable because of what he is going through’

“But I gotta tell you something. As much as people may have been abhorred by Donald Trump’s statement weeks ago talking about how Black folks, he’s hearing that Black folks find him relatable because of what he is going through is similar to what Black Americans have gone through, he wasn’t lying. He was telling the truth.”

Speaking of Biden’s slide with black voters, he’s entering uber-dangerous territory.

This shift could spell disaster for his campaign.

But the 2024 campaign isn’t all “black and white.” For example, Smith has been relentlessly attacking Joe Biden and the Dems for their political strategy to silence Trump with sham charges and twist his words into “misinformation” to secure a win. Smith argues that they’re resorting to these unfortunate tactics simply because they can’t defeat him at the ballot box.

Smith rightly points out that the Dems are engaging in “lawfare” against President Trump, and he believes the American people can smell the desperation and see through this malicious, Marxist plot.

Stephen’s powerhouse stance against the Dems transcends lazy skin-color political agendas—it’s an American issue through and through, and President Trump sees that and is sharing the message.

Look, the American people have not fought and sacrificed only to sit back and watch as both elected and unelected Democrats morph our country into something resembling North Korea. Sure, after the infamous “mugshot,” many black Americans feel a connection with President Trump, and perhaps rightly so, but this issue cuts deeper than individual relationships. As Americans, we have a knack for recognizing tyranny. There’s absolutely no room for a dictatorial mentality in a nation famously dubbed the “land of the free.”