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What’s unfolding at the US border should be a crime. Our nation is being overwhelmed by unvetted illegals pouring into our communities with their hands outstretched, all while countless Americans struggle to get by in Biden’s dismal economy. It’s hard to believe this isn’t intentional. In his first 100 days in office, Biden dismantled all of President Trump’s effective policies and regulations aimed at securing the border and keeping the invaders at bay. Now, the floodgates are wide open, and Democrats are conveniently feigning helplessness. Spoiler alert: They’re not interested in stopping it; they want more.

If you don’t think the “Great Replacement Theory” is real, then you haven’t been paying attention.

And it’s not just a problem confined to the United States; it’s happening all around the globe.

Many folks think the left is cooking up a big ol’ batch of new voters by welcoming illegals with open arms. It’s a theory that’s been buzzing around for a while, but now it seems like we might just have some “written proof” to back it up. New flyers have surfaced instructing illegals on how to penetrate the US voting system. Here’s what former Fox News producer Kyle Becker posted on X:

NEW: Spanish-language flyers discovered at Mexican NGOs tied to DHS Sec. Mayorkas and George Soros.

The flyers instruct illegal aliens how to infiltrate into America and vote in our elections.

“Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States. We need another four years of his term to stay open.”

The flyers “were discovered by @realmuckraker throughout the Resource Center Matamoras (RCM) location including on the walls of port-a-potties. They also appear to be handed out when illegal aliens use the RCM for assistance in coming to the USA,” notes
@OversightPR .The flyers confirm the intention of NGOs to register illegal aliens to ultimately vote in U.S. elections.

Revolver can’t confirm the authenticity of these flyers, but they certainly line up with the left’s suspected strategy at the border: inundating the country with a fresh left-wing voter base. After all, many illegals, when interviewed, believe they have a right to vote, and they plan on voting for their hero, Grandpa Joe. Clearly, someone is instilling this belief in them, right?

And not only are we importing a new progressive voter base, but we’re also bringing in thugs and criminals who are canvassing upper-class homes all over the country. When they run out of rich people to rob, the rest of us will be next.

Is there a coordinated effort to instruct these illegal invaders on how to meddle in our elections? It certainly seems that way. The real question now is: Who’s pulling the strings, and what can we do to prevent them from hijacking yet another US election from American citizens?