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The combination of a pornographer and the most corrupt so-called “president” in history teamed up for an embarrassingly softball interview, complete with a boatload of lies, propaganda, and a pathetic Olympic-level butt-smooching contest. It was quite remarkable to see. Howard Stern has long been associated with the promotion of filth and obscenity. Meanwhile, Joe Biden’s presidency is the worst in US history. Quite the pair, aren’t they? While Joe Biden sat there lying through his gigantic dentures, progressive stooge Howard Stern nodded along like a trained parrot, never once calling him out or questioning his insane tales.

What were some of those whopping lies that Joe told? Well, he claimed that he saved the lives of six people while he was a lifeguard. He also said that women sent him “sexy” photos when he was a senator and that he handed them over to the Secret Service (senators don’t have SS protection), that he was arrested while standing on a porch with black people, and that he was the runner-up in state scoring for football.

Stern didn’t question any of this; he just sat there, validating all the propaganda and lies by gushing over and venerating Biden. It was a shameful and embarrassing slobberjob from the once tough-nosed “shock jock.”

Greg Price:

On Howard Stern’s show today, Biden claimed…

– He saved 6 people from drowning as a lifeguard (Lie)
– He received “salacious pictures” from women in the 70s that he handed to Secret Service (Definitely a lie and senators don’t have secret service protection)
– That he was arrested as a kid while standing with a black family on their porch as people were protesting desegregation. (Lie)
– That he was “runner-up in state scoring” in football. (Lie)

As Biden spun the whopper about being arrested on a porch full of black people, one can’t help but wonder if Howard Stern was tempted to throw on his “blackface” for a few laughs, for old time’s sake.

Let’s not forget that, according to the left’s nonsensical rules, it’s perfectly fine when dutiful white liberals like Howard Stern and Jimmy Kimmel slap on blackface for a few chuckles. But when non-liberal whites do it, suddenly it’s “racist.”

Does Biden understand this absurd double standard? Doubtful. There’s not much that Biden actually understands, but he does seem to get that he can’t rely on the fake news to carry him over the finish line this time. He’s just too far gone at this point, and the majority of Americans see through this failed and embarrassing smoke-and-mirrors regime. So, instead, Joe is turning to Hollywood to save him, with a string of soft interviews like this “slobberjob” from unhinged creep Howard Stern.

Jesse Watters:

Biden says the New York Times is too mean to him, calling the paper “fake news” and refusing to sit for an interview. Now, he’s relying on Hollywood to drag him over the finish line with puff pieces and softball interviews. Today, he told Howard Stern about how women used to send him “salacious pictures” instead of talking policy, or Uncle Bosie.

It’s actually surprising that the old pervert didn’t press Joe further on those dirty pics he was receiving, given Stern’s track record.

Perhaps the old dog is suffering from a flagging libido.

The most amusing part of the puff piece between Stern and Biden was when the topic of debating President Trump came up. Trump has been taunting Joe about debating recently.

Finally, Joe foolishly agreed to debate President Trump, something that the entire world knows he can’t do. There aren’t enough methamphetamines on the planet to help Joe through a debate with one of the sharpest, most savage debaters on the planet. Trump will be serving up “Sloppy Joes” for dinner on that fateful night.

Naturally, President Trump was absolutely delighted that Joe took the bait, and he issued a statement right after, further egging on the confused old coot.

Here’s a closeup of Trump’s Truth Social statement:

Howard is not only a blackface connoisseur, but he’s also a fervent COVID vaccine advocate. You know the “vaccine” that didn’t work but was still hailed as a success by the left? However, it’s hard to take this man seriously when it comes to COVID. After all, he’s the guy who locked himself in his home over a glorified cold, which every sane person treats like an average, run-of-the-mill flu.

Daily Caller:

The SiriusXM star claimed to have done well up until this point, as he had reportedly avoided falling ill to COVID since the pandemic struck in 2020. Once it did,ย Stern significantly shifted his lifestyle to operate both professionally and privately in isolation, The New York Post reported.

Stern, who was scared of his own shadow, mocked anti-vaxxers who had passed away. Interestingly, he didn’t have many jokes for all the people who received the vaccine but still contracted COVID and died. Furthermore, he exhibits a shockingly low level of curiosity regarding the “sudden” deaths occurring worldwide. No laughs about that, eh, Howie?

What a disastrously comical and unserious meeting of the minds this interview turned out to be. And if Team Biden thought this laughable puff piece would propel a sinking Joe up in the polls, they were sadly, sadly mistaken. It’s only getting worse for the Liar-in-Chief.

But what else can Joe do? He can’t sit down and answer serious, hard-nosed questions; he’d be massacred, even by left-wing activist reporters, who have no choice but to put Gramps in the hot seat. So, his only hope is to turn up on failing has-been shows like Howard Stern’s and receive a gratuitous “slobberjob,” while the rest of us sit there, watching and listening in absolute horror. This move here is the 2024 version of hiding Joe in the basement. Howard Stern is the new “bottom floor” for Biden regime politics.