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Crossfire Hurricane was probably the “insurance policy” that FBI “lovebirds” Peter Strzok and Lisa Page referred to in their unprofessional and bizarre text exchanges during their marital affair. It was a strategy to keep President Trump bogged down and “in check” if he won, ensuring that the Deep State stayed in total control and continued calling the shots. What’s the official explanation for Crossfire Hurricane? Well, if you look at the left-leaning propaganda site Wikipedia, this is what you get:

Crossfire Hurricane was the code name for the counterintelligence investigation undertaken by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from July 31, 2016, to May 17, 2017, into links between Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia and “whether individuals associated with [Trump’s] presidential campaign were coordinating, wittingly or unwittingly, with the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election”. Trump was not personally under investigation until May 2017, when his firing of FBI director James Comey raised suspicions of obstruction of justice, which triggered the Mueller investigation.

The investigation was officially opened on July 31, 2016, initially due to information on Trump campaign member George Papadopoulos’s early assertions of Russians having damaging material on Trump’s rival candidate Hillary Clinton which the Russians offered to anonymously release as assistance to the Trump campaign. From late July to November 2016, the joint effort between the FBI, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and the National Security Agency (NSA) examined evidence of Russian meddling in the presidential election. The FBI’s team enjoyed a large degree of autonomy within the broader interagency probe.

In truth, it was one of the most significant political hit jobs the US government has ever unleashed on a political adversary here at home (that we know of). The entire Russia Hoax was kicked off by this phony intel investigation targeting President Trump. It tied his hands during his first term and painted him as a puppet for the Russian boogeyman—allegedly the real power behind the US throne. But this phony narrative wasn’t just about misleading the public; it was crafted to cause deep divisions within the US and convince half the country that they had a Russian “spy” in the White House. And the worst part? It was an inside job for our intel. When it all came out as fake, there was no apology from the shameless propaganda media, which blasted 24/7 fake news—from absurd, fake pee tape stories to secret meetings in dark corners of the globe. that never happened. All of it was a lie. Yet, nobody faced any consequences, no one went to jail, and our intel agencies just kept on rolling without missing a beat. Now, according to George, they’re probably gearing up for round two with a sequel to Crossfire Hurricane. Look out! Here comes part two.

You can see why George feels this way—just check out the back-and-forth between Elise Stefanik and Christopher Wray. It pretty much confirms what we’ve all been thinking: there’s probably a new investigation into President Trump, and it looks like it’s going to be even bigger than the first one.

When you watch this clip, keep in mind that Wray showed up to Congress to plead for the FISA 702 “warrantless” warrant.

The FBI desperately needs that FISA 702 warrant if they plan on spying on Trump again, so they’ll say anything to make it happen.

As you watch this clip, pay close attention to Wray’s expression when he’s asked point-blank about the investigation. Watch how he stumbles over his words and looks like a deer caught in headlights.

RELATED: Bannon and MTG issue dire warning: regime trying to relaunch sinister 702 FISA warrant again…

Why can’t this top intel guy, Wray, give a straight answer? We all know why. He’s dodging the question to cover himself for later, which isn’t surprising. Lately, we’ve seen some odd moves from key players in “Crossfire.” Did you catch that recent trip Obama made to have a private meeting with the UK Prime Minister? It makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Could this be Crossfire Part 2? We’ll probably never get the full story, but it seems suspicious.

And speaking of “suspicious,” Wray’s tap-dancing around the House Oversight Committee’s questions just isn’t going to fly. Watching a disgraced liar like Wray play games in front of Congress, it’s obvious why our trust in these big agencies is plummeting. But don’t be fooled—their quest for “righteousness” and “truth” seems to only flow in one right-leaning direction. When it comes to Biden, the FBI seems more interested in cover-ups than clean-ups.

We all yearn to get back to a place where the law applies to everyone equally and people aren’t just used as pawns to push some heavy-handed regime-style agenda. Right now, our intelligence agencies are too powerful and overly political. They need to be dismantled and scattered to the winds. Sadly, George Papadopoulos likely hit the nail on the head. We’re ramping up for another major election year in the US, and if anyone thinks the Deep State goons, like Chris Wray, are going to step back quietly and allow “we the people” to elect our president, they’re in for a rude awakening. Whatever they’ve got cooking for 2024 will probably make the chaos of the 2020 COVID nightmare seem like a bad case of the sniffles.