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What does it take to become a certified “girl boss”? Apparently, not a lot. Just some clever marketing, PR, and a media willing to push all the fluff out without ever investigating or fact-checking the claims. That makes sense, right? After all, being a “girl boss” is just another aspect of the left-wing charity-driven DEI agenda that eagerly places women (and other so-called “marginalized” groups) in positions of power where they don’t rightfully belong. We’re seeing this DEI mentality destroy many of our sacred institutions in America, from entertainment to the airline industry and so much in between. Many women out there like the idea of being “equal” to a man, but they don’t really know what that actually means. See, men and women are made differently for a reason. Women are born nurturers and homemakers; they’re nesters. Men are hunters and conquerors, and they’re born to protect and provide. Women entering the workplace have thrown off this dynamic, and it’s caused a whole slew of problems that have impacted society in such far-reaching ways that it’s almost impossible to measure. But here are just a few problems the phenomenon of women entering the workplace has caused:

The surplus in labor drives down wages

The rise in income has made it the norm for households to require two incomes just to keep up with the cost of living

As more women are expected and required to work, it takes them away from home—a situation that’s far from ideal for raising children

The pressure on women to prioritize their careers has led to delaying or even halting the start of a family for many

Furthermore, the push for “DEI” to elevate women and perpetuate the “girl boss” narrative has created an unfair playing field for capable men. These men could often perform the job more efficiently, effectively, and without disrupting society or the family unit. This excerpt from a Reddit board focused on men’s rights sings the same old song we hear all too often these days: the narrative of supposedly “marginalized” women steamrolling men in the workplace.


I’m in my late 20s and have worked for a Fortune 500 company ever since I graduated college with an engineering degree. I’ve worked with thousands of people, and have kept tabs on some people’s job titles over the years while remembering the type of worker and person they were when I needed to deal with them.

I’ve worked with dozens of men that I have gotten to know well enough to understand how competent they are at their jobs, and how they are consistently expected to do the same work as women 2-3 pay grades above them. I’ve seen women slack off, but because they are friends with their female manager, they get every promotion and spot bonus. The men never get promoted and are expected to do the lion’s share of the work and/or the work with the highest stakes.

I’ve taken it upon myself to go into young men’s career pages in my company where you can leave unsolicited feedback, and write paragraphs about the projects and tasks these men have helped me with over the course of a year in an attempt to boost them up. However, this is usually to no avail. Meanwhile I see women in my office (typically managers and directors) cackling with each other about personal bullshit for hours while the men sit at their desks to grind out the real work. The women don’t really do anything, but somehow get themselves into these cushy positions with high pay.

I’ve tried to move further up the ladder myself and have done okay. But now I’m in a position where I have women in my department making 40k more than me while doing less work, but my manager is personal friends with a lot of them which apparently makes that ok. I recently shared data that showed how much more work I did (and higher stakes work) than my average coworker (about 25% more), and I got a 3% raise. At this point my plan is to take a giant step back in the amount of work I’m doing while keeping the same pay, save, invest, and retire by 40 with ~1.5 mil.

It’s become such a fucking joke. Unfortunately I don’t see how corporate settings will ever get better for men, unless we all withdraw from the work force and leave all the real work for women.

Now, we’re watching this exact scenario unfold in the DC Swamp of all places, all thanks to a Democrat lawmaker named Marie Gluesnkamp Perez. She portrayed herself as a “girl boss” mechanic, running a successful shop and fixing cars, all to win her election—only to be exposed as a complete fraud. It turns out she wasn’t running the show or fixing hundreds of cars after all. In reality, she was more like a “secretary,” baking cookies while her husband handled the mechanics and ran the business.

Democrat Marie was so incredibly determined to deceive voters into thinking she was a rough-and-tumble mechanic that she’d often pose in her mechanic’s “jumpsuit” in a dirty garage, just like in this Facebook photo. Truthfully, that’s a pretty clean outfit for a mechanic.

The truth is, Marie was busy baking cookies and making spreadsheets, while her husband handled the hard “dirty work.” But that’s not the story left-wing women want to portray—yet in most cases, it’s the harsh reality. They’re homemakers and supporters at heart; it’s ingrained in their core.

Washington Free Beacon:

Marie Gluesenkamp Perez slides out from underneath a car. She’s wearing a mechanic’s uniform. “I’m not your typical candidate for Congress,” she tells the camera.

That’s how the Democrat introduced herself to voters in Washington’s third district in 2022: a hands-on auto shop owner willing to get her fingernails dirty. The image remains central to her reelection campaign—after defeating Republican challenger Joe Kent two years ago, she was the subject of a Politico profile titled, “She Fixes Cars. Can She Fix Congress’ Elitism Problem?”—in which she said she had “replaced hundreds of catalytic converters.” Perez’s campaign site features on its homepage a photo of the congresswoman posing in her uniform on the shop floor, while the site’s “media center” includes stock footage of Perez inspecting parts and turning a wrench.

Years before Perez ran for Congress, however, she described her work for her husband’s auto shop, Dean’s Car Care, in a different light. A since-deleted portion of the shop’s website from 2018 said Perez worked “mostly behind the scenes managing the business side of Dean’s” and “enjoys making spreadsheets and burning the cookies for our holiday gift boxes.” The site was changed sometime before Perez’s 2022 campaign to remove the portion saying Perez worked “mostly behind the scenes,” archives show.

In addition to the website change, Perez has depicted herself as the shop’s longtime co-owner.

In a since-deleted LinkedIn profile, Perez listed herself as the co-owner of Dean’s Car Care since 2013. At Reed College—Perez’s alma mater—a 2023 profile also claimed the Democrat had co-owned the shop for 10 years.

But Perez’s husband launched the business in 2013 with no mention of Perez in the corporate filings. Three years later, during an unsuccessful run for county commissioner, Perez submitted a personal financial disclosure that said she did not have an ownership stake in the shop.

Now, as Marie prepares for a reelection campaign, the truth about who she is and the lies she told are finally coming to light.

But Perez’s husband launched the business in 2013 with no mention of Perez in the corporate filings. Three years later, during an unsuccessful run for county commissioner, Perez submitted a personal financial disclosure that said she did not have an ownership stake in the shop.

Dean’s Car Care submitted an amended filing in 2018 that listed Perez as a secretary, and a subsequent financial disclosure Perez filed that year said she owned 51 percent of the business. In 2015 and 2017, the business’s website suggested Perez was not actively working at the shop, instead mentioning her as Dean’s fiancée and wife, respectively. The site was updated to note Perez’s “behind the scenes” work for the shop in 2018.

The revelations come as Perez gears up for a contentious reelection campaign. In 2020, former president Donald Trump won Washington’s third district by 51 percent of the vote, while former Republican congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler received over 56 percent of the vote.

Through a campaign spokesman, Perez acknowledged that she did not found the auto shop with her husband. She also defended her mechanic’s image, saying she “spends her time working on many things” beyond auto repair.

But her lies didn’t end there. She also fabricated details about her taxes—a far more serious offense than falsifying credentials for a Broadway show or claiming to be a drag queen, as George Santos did—and was then expelled from Congress. The Free Beacon piece wraps it up:

Perez, who caucused for Bernie Sanders in 2016, said last year that she “paid more in taxes than Jeff Bezos, the second-richest person in the country.” She also said that, as a business owner, she worries about making payroll and paying her taxes. Yet, Perez failed for more than six months to pay the 2022 property taxes on Dean’s Car Care, effectively skipping out on thousands of dollars in business taxes.

Nearly four months after the 2022 taxes were due, Perez’s husband, Dean Gluesenkamp, became the sole owner of the auto-repair shop. According to the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), Dean’s Car Care does not have a blue seal, and is thus not considered a shop where a large percentage of technicians are ASE-certified professionals.

Sadly, many “minority”-owned women’s businesses operate in this manner. The husband runs the show, while the wife is there for the tax breaks and progressive brownie points. Like so many other left-wing agendas, this “girl boss” nonsense is nothing but a facade. In reality, it’s often the female-driven HR and marketing departments that are wreaking havoc on corporations—just ask Bud Light, Target, and other woke female-focused companies. Now, the question remains: Will Marie be subjected to the “Santos treatment”? Or will her liberal status force us to turn a blind eye, continuing to pretend she’s a badass “girl boss” mechanic?