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Radical Islam strikes again, this time in the United States, Michigan to be exact, with chants about “Death to America.” The truth is that radical Islam has no place in a civil society. This truth is undeniable, especially with the regular onslaught of hate-filled groups shouting “Death to America,” pushing for violence and the complete downfall of the United States. Meanwhile, the FBI appears to do nothing, sitting on the sidelines as this wave of hatred spreads across our nation. But their attention remains laser-focused on prosecuting Trump-supporting grandmothers found guilty of nothing more than praying at the Capitol on January 6th.

Let freedom ring, right?

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The violent and hateful Dearborn, Michigan, Muslim leaders didn’t hold back in their calls for the destruction and end of the United States. However, it wasn’t just the death of America they called for; they also called for the death of Israel as well.

Fox News:

Protesters in Dearborn, Michigan, shouted “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” during an International Al-Quds Day rally held in the town.

“Imam Khomeini, who declared the International Al-Quds Day, this is why he would say to pour all of your chants and all of your shouts upon the head of America,” Tarek Bazzi, a Michigan-based activist associated with the Hadi institute, said in a video from the rally that was shared by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

Bazzi’s comments were followed by crowds chanting “Death to America!” in the background.

Bazzi reasoned that the rallies held on the day “are so anti-America,” instead of a focus on Israel, because “it’s the United States government that provides the funds for all of the atrocities,” pointing to Israel’s continued siege of Gaza as an example.

The activist went on to quote Malcom X, who said the U.S. is “one of the rottenest countries that has ever existed on this Earth,” while arguing to eliminate the entire American “system.”

“It’s not just Genocide Joe that has to go,” Bazzi said, referring to President Biden. “It is the entire system that has to go. Any system that would allow such atrocities and such devilry to happen and would support it – such a system does not deserve to exist on God’s Earth.”

Bazzi then turned his attention to Israel, telling the audience that when “fools” ask them “if Israel has the right to exist,” the chant “Death to Israel” is “the most logical chant shouted across the world today.”

The remarks were followed by chants of “Death to Israel” from protesters in the crowd.

Here’s what a shocked and disgusted James Woods said about this disturbing and violent video:

And just so you know, this is the professional and super-calm lawmaker who represents that American-hating district.

Kick them out, or we’ll be their next target. Why let folks who hate America stay and stir up trouble or worse?

The truth is, a nation can’t flourish or progress by welcoming vast numbers of violent thugs and criminals who hold no respect for its principles and outright despise its values. It begs the question: Why does the United States continue to import hate and violence? How can we expect to strengthen and unify amid such deep-seated anger and aggressive hatred? Imagine any stable country tolerating this kind of hostility and allowing such toxic rhetoric to spread—it’s unimaginable. Yet, this kind of hate finds support and even endorsement from the left. The real puzzle here is, why?

We hear all the time that MAGA is the real threat to our democracy, yet groups chanting “Death to America” in US cities don’t seem to raise any eyebrows at all. It’s the most backward and dangerous excuse for so-called “leadership.” Americans are labeled as terrorists, while actual terrorists, openly sharing their hateful plans, are welcomed and encouraged to thrive. This is a disturbing reversal of priorities and a recipe for failure for any nation.