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There’s a hilarious video circulating online, sparking curiosity with the question: What do you notice about this video with Justin Trudeau and Vladimir Putin? Naturally, people can’t resist clicking, only to find themselves chuckling at a seemingly serendipitous moment. It appears as if Putin heroically saves a blissfully clueless Trudeau from a hitman poised for action.

Was the “hitman” about to snap Justin’s neck? Inject him with poison? Use some high-tech, invisible ninja weapon to take him down? We may never know…

And yes, while it’s far-fetched to believe that’s the actual scenario, the clip offers a laugh-worthy interpretation when viewed. Adding to the intrigue, this gem seems to be from the archives, with President Trump visibly in the background, adding another layer of humor to the unexpected and very amusing encounter.

Indeed, the cherry on top of this viral video sundae has to be the viewer comments. The reactions and takes on the so-called life-saving moment are pure gold. Here are a few gems from the crowd’s commentary:

“He’s former KGB and knows how to use hand signals!”

“Did Putin just save Trudeau’s life?!”

“Putin grabbing Canada by the pussy”

“Justin has no idea he was almost jacked up by Putins man ”

“Little turd almost got his neck snapped..”

“Putin decided not to have Justin removed from life just then.”

“Putin is schooling Trudeau.”

“Putin called off the hit like a boss”

“Girl: OMG, can I have your autograph? Putin: It’s ok, let me talk to this girl. Body guard: Ok sir”

“Trudeau thinks he’s in control yet has no idea.”

The realistic explanation probably boils down to Putin’s translator checking in on whether his services were needed and Putin gesturing that he was fine. But let’s be honest, that boring narrative doesn’t hold a candle to the thrill of the “assassin” storyline.