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One of Trump’s most vocal critics seems to have had a change of heart. Rep. Bacon probably watched the Super Tuesday results come in feeling pretty uneasy, especially seeing President Trump dominate by taking 14 out of the 15 states. The only state he narrowly missed was Vermont, thanks to its open primary system. There, Haley’s Democratic supporters turned out in force for her, netting her a single, rather unimpressive delegate.

Rep. Don Bacon, who has been a RINO thorn in America First’s side, has decided that if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. He revealed his endorsement in an X post. Here’s what he had to say:

I am a lifelong Republican, and I will support Donald Trump as our party’s nominee for President.

Republican voters across our country have spoken, and it is clear we want to return to the secure borders, strong economy, energy independence, and SCOTUS nominations that President Trump delivered. It is time to defeat Joe Biden.

WarRoom’s Steve Bannon reacted to Rep. Bacon’s endorsement by declaring victory over the entire GOP establishment. Bannon was also reacting to a senior Politico reporter, Jonathan Martin, who made it clear that all the #NeverTrumper’s will now fall in line with this same messaging:


Trump has shown that the GOP is now the official party of the working class.


CNN’s Tapper: Trump Has Reformed the GOP with More Working Class People, Including Voters of Color, Men Primarily

TAPPER: “You‘re talking about how he is reforming the Republican Party more working class people, including voters of color, African American, men primarily, but also latinos. And also the Democrats picking up more educated voters. But there‘s also, so you talked about the education divide also a big gender divide, men voting Republican, women voting Democrat.”

KING: “It’s 88% of the delegates. Trump cannot mathematically clinch tonight, but he can get within 100 or so of what he needs that he can do that next week and so what you have here is he has remade the party in his image. There are still some Republicans who are trying to take it away, like take it back. That’s over. That party doesn’t exist anymore… He’s on a march to the nomination. If the general election were tomorrow, there’s a lot of data that suggests he would win right at this moment in time. It’s not tomorrow. It’s eight months from now.”

Republicans are increasingly appealing to working-class men without college degrees, while Democrats are gaining support from college graduates and women.

After Super Tuesday, the message is loud and clear: The GOP has evolved from the era of Reagan Republicans to firmly being the party of Trump and the America First movement. Stand against this tide, and you’re likely looking at the end of your political journey. Rep. Don Bacon, a notorious RINO, has received that message loud and clear.

Steve is right. We broke these people, and we’re just getting warmed up.