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Super Tuesday marked a significant triumph for President Trump, clinching victories in 14 out of 15 states—a feat made all the more remarkable considering the array of challenges he faces. From sham prosecutions to attacks from all sides, including his own party, Trump’s ability to continually emerge victorious raises questions. The explanation is multifaceted, but ironically, Jake Tapper, alongside John King, provided a surprisingly clear analysis as they watched the Super Tuesday results roll in, visibly astonished. There’s no contesting it: President Trump is the people’s choice. Far from being the pick of the Swamp, he stands as the true outsider, the embodiment of what it means to be a MAGA Republican. His impact is so significant that it’s shaken the foundation of the entire government system and changed American politics, likely for decades to come. Jake Tapper may not like it, but he gets it.

Here’s how the conversation went down between Jake Tapper and John King:

CNN’s Tapper: Trump Has Reformed the GOP with More Working Class People, Including Voters of Color, Men Primarily

TAPPER: “You‘re talking about how he is reforming the Republican Party more working class people, including voters of color, African American, men primarily, but also latinos. And also the Democrats picking up more educated voters. But there‘s also, so you talked about the education divide also a big gender divide, men voting Republican, women voting Democrat.”

KING: “It’s 88% of the delegates. Trump cannot mathematically clinch tonight, but he can get within 100 or so of what he needs that he can do that next week and so what you have here is he has remade the party in his image. There are still some Republicans who are trying to take it away, like take it back. That’s over. That party doesn’t exist anymore… He’s on a march to the nomination. If the general election were tomorrow, there’s a lot of data that suggests he would win right at this moment in time. It’s not tomorrow. It’s eight months from now.”

Republicans are increasingly appealing to working-class men without college degrees, while Democrats are gaining support from college graduates and women.

Jake’s observation was very keen and hit the nail on the head, though it likely wasn’t easy for him to admit that out loud. One thing’s crystal clear: the GOP has moved on from the stale, failed ideas of the establishment. This shift is precisely why Nikki Haley’s only win on Super Tuesday came from a state with an “open primary,” where Democratic votes barely tipped the scales in her favor.

LOL: Nikki Haley is now the President of Vermont…

But it’s not just Nikki who is getting a very harsh lesson in 2024 politics. Biden is as well.

Scott Adams:

Dog not barking:

Is it my imagination or has the Trump campaign so far been flawless?

And is he doing that while fighting 91 indictments at the same time?

That’s some serious Ginger Rogers action. Same dance as Fred Astaire, but backwards and wearing heels.

Biden is struggling to read note cards.

Thanks to President Trump’s influence, the GOP has transformed from the domain of Reagan conservatives into the America First Party. This new era prioritizes the voices of working-class men and women, making sure they’re heard loud and clear. Trump’s track record of success and his unique position as an outsider not tied to the Swamp but rather targeted by it underscore his qualifications to lead “we the people.” He’s exactly the fighter the American people want in their corner. And now, this message is so undeniable that even CNN can’t overlook it.