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As Biden continues to flail and bumble his way through life, Democrats are feeling the heat. Here they are, stuck with this corpse of a candidate who they can’t swap out now, so what’s a cheating, thieving party to do? Well, lie, of course.

RELATED: The Left Has to Replace Biden. Here’s Why They Can’t.

Obama flunky David Axelrod dropped a rather bold tweet, sparking up the tired “childhood stutter” debate once more. This move is the Dems’ favorite playbook tactic whenever the chatter gets too loud about Joe Biden being more suited for a dementia ward than the White House.

RELATED: Well, Joe’s State of the Union medical cocktail has officially worn off…

Here’s what David said:

Mocking someone’s stutter for laughs is pathetic and small, the stuff of schoolyard bullies not grownups. Acting like a total jackass doesn’t make you strong.

Please, give us a break, David.

It’s astonishing how little credit these elites give to the intelligence of the American people. I guess they don’t realize we have the “internet” now and check this stuff for ourselves. And that’s precisely what Revolver did. Yes, Revolver took on the herculean task of sifting through 43 hours of Biden clips in search of the infamous “childhood stutter” he and the Dems often reference. Spoiler alert: It didn’t end well for them. What we found—or rather, didn’t find—points to the narrative being a total fabrication.


Like most of you, I’ve listened to countless media people and politicians push the infamous “childhood stutter” excuse to dismiss criticism of Joe’s cognitive decline.

But it was Valerie’s blanket statement that inspired me to investigate the much-ballyhooed stutter.

As I got started, I remembered a tweet I read a while back from filmmaker Mike Cernovich, where he wondered if any journalist had gone back and watched old Biden clips to see if the stutter actually existed beyond his “childhood” years.

Good question, Mike.

Not surprisingly, nobody in the mainstream media had done anything like that. I actually couldn’t find anyone who had listened to hours of Biden clips looking for his stutter.

But I found an LA Times opinion writer who wrote a piece called, “What others see as Joe Biden’s mental slips, I see as the tricks of a master stutterer.”

In his piece, Dan Roche says that while the rest of us see senility when Joe can’t remember a name or who his wife is, he sees a master class stutterer working his craft.

Here’s what Dan said:

Seeing Biden on stage takes me back to my childhood. I’ve watched him for years and recognize the familiar tricks. Noticed him struggling with a phrase or name he’s uttered a million times before.

I’ve heard him use overly complicated or quirky phrasing and immediately recognized the method of a master stutterer: the almost savant-like ability to rephrase a thought or paragraph, on-the-fly, to avoid a problematic word or syllable.

I’ve listened to his critics and heard echoes of my past. He’s senile, they insist. He forgot Obama’s name. He’s mentally defective. Dementia. But I know better.

At a campaign stop on March 5, Biden “forgot” Obama’s name, identifying him simply as “the last guy.” At other events he’s said, “President my boss.” Some see this as evidence of a man losing his mental faculties. I see the familiar trick of calling a last-second audible for an easier syllable or phrase, the in-the-moment wordplay stutterers use to navigate their speech.

Stuttering is fickle. A word might come naturally the first million times, then get stuck without warning. So we make substitutions. Sometimes it’s nicknames. Sometimes it’s slang that sounds awkward or out-of-place, like Biden uses.


As stutterers do, I found ways to manage it. Speech therapy helped a little. The real method was word craft similar to what Biden does, the self-trained ability to re-architect language in real time to avoid a word or syllable you know will stop you cold.
I will have something to say about Dan’s theory later… but first, I had to get started on my project.

Honestly, I didn’t know what I’d find.

Maybe this project would prove the “childhood stutter” impacted Joe Biden’s adult life, and honestly, cynical or not, I was very open to discovering that.

Or perhaps the stutter had very little or no impact on Joe’s adult life. Either way, I wanted to know the truth, and the American people deserved to know the truth as well.

After all, Joe’s cognitive issues have weighed heavily on the country. Polling here and here shows most Americans believe Joe Biden isn’t mentally fit to hold office.

But the media and Dems repeatedly tell us it’s just a “childhood stutter”…

Okay, so let’s find out once and for all…

When I first began this journey, I didn’t know how many hours of footage I would listen to, but I thought “100 hours” would be ideal.

Trust me, after watching just 7 hours of Joe Biden talking — he’s not the most interesting speaker — I knew 100 hours would be impossible, so I decided to go one video at a time and see where it took me.

Luckily, I work from home — I am a writer and a graphic designer — so I can listen to one clip after another while I do my work.

I always paused the clip when I had to concentrate on work, or just felt I wasn’t able to pay close attention. If life got hectic, I’d skip listening until I could refocus.

I went into this project thinking it was just about the stutter — and by “stutter” I mean an actual stutter — not Joe goofing up a word, or stumbling over his words as we all do every day.

I was looking for a real stutter.

Dive into the full article below, where we’ve meticulously noted observations on each video and linked to the so-called “stutter” clips, so you can see for yourself. It stands as the most thorough investigation into the “childhood stutter” claims to date. This piece is one for the history books, folks, and it’s your prime ammunition against this worn-out, desperate tactic the Dems keep shamelessly pushing.

I Listened to 43 HOURS of Joe Biden Clips From 1986-2018 Looking for His “Childhood Stutter”

Make sure you share this article with anybody who drags out the “childhood” stutter nonsense; it’ll leave them speechless.