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A coveted Berkeley degree in “ancient tampon weaving” might not be a golden ticket after all. It turns out that things are so bad and unsafe at Berkeley that not only do parents have to pay big bucks to send their little ones off to get programmed, but now they have to also pay for “security.” Much like the Royals needing their security detail, elite liberal families are digging deeper into their pockets to make sure their budding Marxists return home in one piece. The whole scenario underscores a significant failure in Berkeley’s ability to provide a safe environment, making the high cost of education seem more like extortion than a worthwhile investment. Parents are now shelling out $40,000 for private campus security, which really puts things into perspective.

National Review:

A group of University of California, Berkeley, parents raised over $40,000 to launch a private security program on the university’s campus.

The SafeBears organization describes itself as a coalition of more than 1,300 Berkeley “parents and community allies working to improve safety” for students on campus. The group’s website describes what it sees as a spike in crime on and near the university’s groups since the summer of 2022, including armed robberies, shootings, and stabbings.

“In March 2023, Berkeley Police Chief Jen Louis reported that the overall number of violent and property crimes in 2022 was at a 10-year high. Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin describes crime around UC Berkeley as ‘extremely concerning and troubling,’” SafeBears states on its website. “Crime rates continue to climb. As of October 2023, robberies, increasingly via gun, are up 22% compared to the same period last year. Students are even voicing their concerns to the media, saying UC Berkeley is ‘definitely less safe than other campuses.”

The new pilot program SafeBears has launched on the Berkeley campus will run through March 23. Until then, six unarmed “safety ambassadors” are patrolling the campus at night to provide “a physical deterrence to any threats against students.”

SafeBears president Sagar Jethani, the father of two Berkeley students, told CBS News in an interview that the university has not done enough to ensure members of its community are safe on its campus.

It seems our “esteemed” institutions have become as reliable and secure as run-of-the-mill daycares, where low-skilled, low-paid workers pump out a subpar product. When helicopter parents find themselves shelling out a hefty sum for their cherished Marxist prodigies to grace the halls of liberal-run Berkeley, it’s quite the setback for both the hysterical progressive parents and their creepy offspring.

It turns out “safety” at Berlekly isn’t really a priority, and this is nothing new. It’s been a problem for quite some time now.

Just think about how steep tuition fees are, and then consider how much money Berkeley is pouring into their over-the-top DEI initiatives, where “charity” trumps “excellence.” They refuse to put the DEI “programming” on hold to secure the safety of their students.

The truth is, Berkeley is spending $36 million on DEI, which is 900 times more than the $40,000 helicopter parents had to fundraise for private security to protect their kids at night. It’s insanity.

And instead of demanding action from the school, parents are “raising” the funds themselves. You really can’t make up this kind of nonsense. It’s a typical left-wing illustration of totally misplaced priorities, and it’s a resounding “fail” for everyone involved, including the dopey parents, the entitled rugrats, and the disgraceful university. F’s for everyone.