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Rumor has it that the RNC’s coffers are running dry. No surprise there, considering the current state of the GOP—weak and ineffective. And who’s at the helm of the RNC? None other than this guy’s niece:

Tags: Mitt Romney | Dangerous Minds
Mitt Romney

Ronna McDaniel stands out as one of the most prominent “America Last” figures in the GOP. Just look at some of our horrible candidates. Unfortunately, President Trump, caught in the political game, has to extend some show of support to her for the backing of the RNC. But one can hope that when the time’s right, he’ll show this establishment shill the door. The issue is that once these “Ronna types” get entrenched and build up a fortress, they can be tough to dislodge. Yet, even so, McDaniel’s days might be numbered, given her track record of defeats, the RNC’s financial troubles, and what looks like a mismanagement of funds, evident in her new plastic surgery and lip fillers.

Lawyer and popular podcast host Eric Matheny put it best in a powerful post on X:

Revolver covered the story of extravagant spending on Queen Ronna back in December.

If you’ve donated to the RNC, you might be interested to know that your contributions likely funded Rona McDaniel’s hair care, dry cleaning, and limousine services, among other assorted luxuries that have absolutely nothing to do with winning political races.

A viral post, based on the latest RNC financials, has sparked fury among Republican voters. Jennifer Van Laar, an investigative reporter at Red State, broke the story in a thread on X:

As I go through @GOP’s financials since my exclusive report last year… @GOPChairwoman why are you still spending so much on limo services? We’ve only got $7 million on hand, yet you spent $256,635 on limos since 10/21/22???


And about those floral arrangements – these are NOT marked as being part of any fundraiser events. Just floral arrangements. More than $70,000. WHY?


And let’s get to your DRY CLEANING. You are very well-paid. So why are donors paying for your dry cleaning? $8,750.


And then we have “Media Preparation” a/k/a doing your hair and makeup for TV or events. Many of us do our own because we can’t afford hair & makeup artists and our employers don’t pay for it. Or, people PAY THEIR OWN. (Novel idea.) $22,389. So we’re up to $30k for you, tax free!


Now, according to reports, the RNC is a money pit right now, and the only way that they can dig out is by seeking a new line of credit, according to a report in the Washington Times:

The cash-strapped Republican National Committee will consider opening a line of credit when members gather for their winter meeting that starts Tuesday in Las Vegas, The Washington Times has learned.

The credit-line question will be put to a vote by RNC members at the meeting.

The RNC‘s money problems have been mounting since officials announced last summer a $15 million shortfall from projected fundraising levels, with both big-dollar and small-donor contributions drying up.

“They’re going to ask the members to take a vote on opening up a line of credit for the RNC, which would allow the RNC to borrow money,” an alarmed RNC member told The Times.

Of course, Botox Ronna says this is all perfectly normal and nothing to worry about, and while some of that may be true, keep in mind that this is all unfolding as MAGA, the biggest powerhouse faction within the Republican Party, urges Trump’s supporters to stop funneling donations to the RNC. Instead, they’re encouraged to contribute directly to Trump or their chosen America First candidates. This strategy is geared toward undercutting the RNC’s power, which is fixated on backing establishment candidates up and down the ballot.

In all honesty, MAGA pundit and Trump supporter Scott Presler is the one who should be at the helm of the RNC, not Ronna. He’s the real deal, tirelessly working on the ground, battling for every vote, and all our America First candidates.

And if you need more proof that your donations might just be ending up in Ronna’s lips, take a look at this before and after photo. On the right, there’s Ronna back when we were racking up victories, and on the left, you’ll see her as the losses started piling up.

Hey, the GOP may be weak, but at least Ronna’s face is nice and firm.