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We are all aware that Joe Biden habitually lies on a multitude of matters. His pathological lying encompasses his upbringing, experiences driving semi trucks and trains, a so-called “childhood stutter,” business dealings, his crackhead son, the circumstances of his son Beau’s death, and the list goes on forever. Sadly, it appears that lies are a common feature of Joe Biden’s makeup, and regrettably, the nation has become somewhat accustomed to it, and the world laughs at us for it.


But there’s another notorious liar making waves on the political stage, and it happens to be none other than GOP establishment darling Nikki Haley. Haley has stepped into the spotlight, taking over for Ron DeSantis as the potential “replacement” for President Trump. However, it’s worth noting that Nikki couldn’t get the MAGA vote if she held a gun to the voters heads. But regardless, she’s out there scheming, lying, and pushing failed 90s globalist policies like her life depends on it.

Nikki has made a series of errors, and the one guy who has consistently mocked her and called her out for each blunder is Vivek Ramaswamy. Below is an excellent compilation of the occasions when he has taken Nikki to school.


One of Nikki’s most significant missteps (again, there have been many) was when she pushed for raising the retirement age. When Nikki isn’t busy trying to kill you in a foreign war, she’s trying to work you to death in an office.

Paul Krugman, arguably the worst economist on the planet, actually discussed Nikki’s retirement age increase in an article he wrote about a month ago.

The New York Times:

That said, Haley has shown some consistency on issues of economic and fiscal policy. And what you should know is that her positions on these issues are pretty far to the right. In particular, she seems exceptionally explicit, even among would-be Republican nominees, in calling for an increase in the age at which Americans become eligible for Social Security — a bad idea that seems to be experiencing a revival.

But here’s where the Joe Biden-style deception comes into play. Nikki is now attempting to deny that she ever mentioned raising the retirement age.


That’s right; in one of her most shameless maneuvers yet, Nikki is not only outright lying to the American people but is also treating us as if we’re imbeciles. This stunt is just so blatant and insulting.

Nikki is just another Deep State fantasy who isn’t ready for prime time. She’s trapped in a bygone era of politics marked by proven failure and voter outrage. She’s attempting to resurrect the days of Bush, Romney, and Paul Ryan, which were far from glorious, and Americans are rejecting that notion with force. So, it’s no surprise that she’s resorting to Joe Biden’s old-school playbook by lying in order to clumsily try to mop up her unpopular, outdated, and destructive ideas and policies.

If you want to truly understand why Nikki Haley would be a horrific choice for president, you should check out Revolver’s viral piece from a couple of years ago. Feel free to share it with anyone who holds a high opinion of Nikki; it will definitely open their eyes.

Here’s the Never-Ending List of Why Nikki Haley Would Suck as President