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The recent tidal waves in California present an ominous and striking sight, don’t they? They’re the ideal setting for yet another climate alarm. But don’t be fooled by the global warming radicals yet again. This isn’t a symptom of a climate emergency; it’s simply “weather,” a natural phenomenon that has been occurring on Earth for millions of years. And the weather videos that we’ve collected for you below really are wild.

Collin Rugg has the backstory and a must-see video:

NEW: California is getting wrecked by massive waves up to 25 feet, damaging homes, vehicles and beaches.

Massive tides destroyed trucks as well as RVs in Pismo beach.

Unfortunately, the situation is supposed to worsen going into the weekend.

“We are dealing with potentially deadly conditions at the beaches so we really just encourage everyone to stay away from the water and be prepared for coastal flooding,” said meteorologist Ariel Cohen.

Surfers are taking advantage of the waves at “The Wedge,” a popular beach break in Southern California.


Ventura, California, also got hit with massive waves.

Pacifica, CA:

More Pacifica:

Check out The Lone Cyprus:


Storms tend to cause the seas and oceans to act up. And speaking of that, the devastation currently unfolding in California could have been avoided. This storm system has been a topic of discussion on local news channels for a while. Yet, ironically, the locals, who claim to be “in tune” with climate issues, ignored the warnings. Now, they’re exploiting the situation to push this half-baked theory that the world is on the brink of implosion.

This is an article from December 28th from KTLA:

Residents and beachgoers are being warned about the dangers of a massive swell that is pounding the Southern California coastline Thursday and will continue to peak into the weekend.

The high surf and flooding dangers are of particular concern in Ventura County and at Hermosa, Manhattan and Palos Verdes beaches in Los Angeles County, according to the National Weather Service.

Waves of 10 to 15 feet with sets to 20 feet are expected along the Ventura County coast. A high surf warning and coastal flood warning are in effect from 4 a.m. Thursday to 10 p.m. Saturday.

“Most dangerous conditions are expected later today (Thursday),” KTLA’s Omar Lewis said.

What was the cause? The volatile combination of high tides, stormy weather, and possibly even El Niño.

Sacramento Bee:

“Events like these are not that common,” said Richard Thompson, a meteorologist for the National Weather Service in Los Angeles. “It’s a combination of the storm and high tides that are really exacerbating things.”

Thompson said a storm in the Pacific Ocean “hundreds of miles out” from San Luis Obispo County’s coastline was generating hurricane-force winds on Thursday.
Those strong winds shoved the ocean water out and toward California, creating a massive swell and exceptionally high surf.

A high tide of about 6.5 feet accompanied the massive waves — meaning those waves crashed closer to shore than normal.

The Weather Service issued a high surf warning and coastal flooding warning for areas of the Central Coast beginning Thursday and in effect through Saturday evening. The warnings advised people to steer clear of beaches while breaking waves of 15 to 25 feet were expected to hit the shoreline.

Another potential factor impacting the surf was the unusually warm sea surface temperatures in the equatorial Pacific Ocean creating what may be considered a “historically strong” El Niño event.

Those warm ocean currents have a tendency to kick up strong storms, giving California good chances of a rainy winter.

The El Nino conditions create something called “Kelvin waves.”

The El Niño event is accompanied by oceanic downwelling Kelvin waves. This occurs when a thick, warm layer of the Pacific Ocean sloshes east — creating an expansive, ocean-wide wave that can take two to three months to reach California’s shore.

Kelvin waves are different from the waves we’re accustomed to seeing crash on the shore.

For one, they move slowly at about a few meters a second, according to David DeWitt, director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Climate Prediction Center.

“These waves can cause a modest rise in sea level, but that effect lasts for several months because they move so slowly,” DeWitt said in an emailed statement to The Tribune.

The Kelvin waves can also reach a higher amplitude when they enter shallower water.

“During El Niño, conditions can be more damaging,” said Gary Griggs, a professor of Earth sciences at UC Santa Cruz.

It’s a triple threat: A large storm with hurricane-force winds kicking up big waves, a high winter tide and El Niño-associated Kelvin waves.

“What you are seeing off the coast of California is wind-driven surface waves associated with this large storm that is impacting the area,” DeWitt wrote in his emailed statement. “Those wind-driven waves occur on top of the tides and any effect from the coastal Kelvin waves.”

It’s quite amusing how leftists label conservatives as “conspiracy theorists” for simply pointing out obvious issues like election interference, the federal government’s involvement in the January 6th events, and the Whitmer kidnapping sham. Yet, these are the same people who interpret a breeze or a downpour as apocalyptic omens, blaming you for causing it simply because you grilled hamburgers or mowed your lawn last weekend.

Nowadays, it seems like every occurrence, including crime, is somehow linked to so-called “climate change.” This feels like a desperate move to validate what has become a ludicrous junk science godless religion. Ask yourself this: When have their predictions ever materialized? Over the last 50 years, they’ve consistently vomited up a slew of incorrect predictions. Yet, astonishingly, even though they’re never right, this charade-cult still has legs.

AG Web:

The apocalypse is tomorrow, and if not, the day after will do. Declarations of the world’s demise are a dime a dozen, the fare of dignitaries, politicians, scientists, and celebs: The end is nigh—and getting nigher.

Coupled to the certainty of doomsday is the fall of farming. Hand in hand, Armageddon and agriculture are bedmates. On March 20, 2023, the United Nations warned of humanity’s ticking “time-bomb,” and released a “report of reports” enumerating a multi-trillion-dollar plan to implement climate policies across the globe. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres proclaimed the report a “survival guide for humanity” and called for the phase-out of fossil fuels: “Dear friends, humanity is on thin ice—and that ice is melting fast.”

Guterres’ remarks were particularly ironic, considering only a month earlier a Global Energy Monitor report revealed China’s expansion of coal capacity to unprecedented levels—six times larger than the rest of the world combined—via the construction of two new coal plants per week.

Despite Guterres’ pronouncement, there is nothing new under the sun—no matter how hot or cold it burns. A quick look at 50 years of cataclysmic predictions is in order.

Goodnight, Irene

In the 1960s, overpopulation and famine forecasts were all the rage. Despite the Green Revolution, which spurred crop yields across the globe, Paul Erlich, a Stanford biologist and end times prophet, preached a starvation gospel: “The Green Revolution…is going to turn brown.”

In 1968, with world population at 3.5 billion (7.9 billion as of 2023), Erlich penned The Population Bomb and lobbed an incendiary grenade in the opening lines of his prologue: The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now. At this late date nothing can prevent a substantial increase in the world death rate…

Lauded by the press, Erlich amplified insistence on a “dying planet” and ramped up his warnings.

August 10, 1969, Erlich in the New York Times: “We must realize that unless we are extremely lucky, everybody will disappear in a cloud of blue steam in 20 years.”

And the list goes on with 50 years worth of failed climate doomsday predictions, and guess what? They’re still counting misses.

It’s just like the mainstream media—they get it wrong over and over, but where’s the accountability and apologies? Nowhere to be found. Yet, we’re told they’re the “experts.” But the truth is, this isn’t about saving the planet. Climate change is a big-time gaslight from the top, a play for more control, more rules, and, let’s not forget, a nice, fat paycheck for the elites.

Let’s face it, extreme weather has always been a part of Earth’s history. The only change now is that it’s all over TV and social media. A lot of experts believe that natural disasters in the pre-TV and social media eras were actually much worse. The folks in ancient Pompeii would probably agree with that assessment.

For once, maybe we can all just sit back and enjoy the wild weather that the heavens visit upon the earth from time to time.