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Today is the big voting day in New Hampshire, and Nikki Haley, the establishment’s little darling, is doing her best to drum up support. However, she’s hitting a formidable MAGA brick wall at nearly every turn. The latest polling in New Hampshire paints a bleak picture for Nikki, with Trump leading her by a whopping 22 points.

You can feel the enthusiasm for Trump. Even young people are coming out in droves for MAGA in the Granite State.

At this moment, President Trump’s got a little something extra in his pocket that Nikki just can’t match—it’s what we call the “front-runner effect.” You see, when you’re leading the pack, you’ve got that buzz, that magnetic energy that draws people in. It’s exactly what’s happening right now in New Hampshire. In fact, there’s one guy who had a sudden change of heart, going from backing Haley to voting for Trump.

Ouch. That’s gotta hurt.

Meanwhile, Nikki is leveraging her left-wing and dark money connections, trying to secure an unfair victory in New Hampshire, or at the very least, aiming to come close to Trump’s performance to justify prolonging her unpopular campaign. But let it be known: whatever Nikki does accomplish in New Hampshire will be thanks to Democrats, not hard-working American patriots.

The Political Brief: 

A political advocacy group backed by Democrat-aligned dark money organizations has shelled out tens of thousands of dollars to boost Nikki Haley ahead of the New Hampshire primary, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings.

Defending Democracy Together (DDT), an organization co-founded by ex-Republican Bill Kristol, spent $96,412 between Jan. 16 and Jan. 19 boosting Haley and hundreds of thousands opposing former President Donald Trump by purchasing TV ads, mailers and phone calls, among other things, per the FEC. DDT has attracted an array of left-wing and Democrat-aligned backers over the years, including nonprofits managed by the dark money behemoth Arabella Advisors, which have dumped tens of millions of dollars into supporting Democratic get-out-the-vote operations and funding left-wing groups in recent years.

Of the total DDT spent boosting Haley, $51,300 was explicitly earmarked for New Hampshire, according to the FEC disclosure. DDT spent $448,537 opposing Trump between Jan. 13 and Jan. 19, per the FEC.

While Trump dominates national Republican primary polling and won the Iowa Caucus handily, New Hampshire is shaping up to be a closer race, with Haley only 13.2 points behind Trump in the state, according to FiveThirtyEight’s polling average. Haley now faces pressure from some of her top fundraisers to perform well in New Hampshire after she finished third and failed to top Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in Iowa, according to CNBC News.

Allies of Haley’s campaign believe New Hampshire’s demographics could be favorable to her, pointing to her appeal in educated, white-collar suburbs, The New York Times reported. The former South Carolina governor appears to be leaning into the notion, with Haley’s campaign and its allied PAC spending over $26 million on ads targeting voters in New Hampshire, CNBC reported.

While Nikki rakes in the big bucks from Democrat and NeverTrump sources, liberals are changing their voter registrations to manipulate the primary polls and boost Nikki Haley ahead of President Trump. It sounds a lot like election interference, right?

Nikki’s only focus is to destroy the MAGA movement and put the old-school GOP establishment guard back in control. If she has to rely on dark money and Dem support to do that, so be it. Nikki is like a liberal in that way. She will take down Trump “by any means necessary,” even if that means cheating her so-called “fellow Republicans” out of their vote.