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Vivek scored a big victory on Tuesday as former Congressman Steve King endorsed him for president, praising his remarkable intellect and deep appreciation for the Constitution and American exceptionalism.

This endorsement carries a lot of weight, given Steve King’s strong commitment to the principles of America First.

Naturally, the GOP establishment has no love for the former Iowa congressman, given that his beliefs and ideas are outside the establishment’s failed scope. But Mr. King was a force, and he helped lay the groundwork for the America First movement we have today.

Which is why the GOP establishment collaborated with the left in an unfair attempt to paint Mr. King as a “racist,” with the goal of removing a steadfast America First advocate from Congress.

Sadly, it worked.

The endorsement today reopened those wounds, and the media was ready to attack. Navigating the realm of fake news media requires finesse, and it appears Vivek has mastered the art by taking a page out of the “Trump School of Media Demolition.” He skillfully turned the tables on a Washington Post reporter, crafting a masterpiece of a response. He refused to engage in their tiresome “condemn white nationalism” charade. Steve King is far from a “white supremacist,” yet the hysterical fake news media constantly attempts to label him that way, all in their relentless pursuit of pushing the narrative that everything on the right is inherently racist.

This reporter learned the hard way that Vivek is not a typical GOP pushover.

Steve put it best when he said Vivek was speaking “truth to fiction.” Nothing describes our propaganda media better than that.

Pure fiction.

This version of the clip in particular went mega-viral with 15 million views:

Vivek has been on fire on this topic lately. Watch him take on Sharon Stone from ‘Basic Instinct’ on Meet the Press:

This victory was significant for Vivek, adding another feather to his political cap. While it won’t guarantee his nomination, it firmly aligns him with the MAGA and America First movements, and that will bode well for his political future, as long as he plays his cards right.