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2024 presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy firmly believes that the political establishment will not allow President Trump to pursue another White House bid. In his view, they are actively plotting to remove Trump from the equation and replace him with their new darling, Nikki Haley. Vivek believes the establishment’s goal is to eliminate Trump by any means necessary, leaving Nikki as the sole contender who will be “allowed” to secure the White House, so they can restore full establishment control over the US government and put an end to the MAGA movement once and for all.

Vivek recently sat down for a candid interview with Revolver’s own Darren Beattie, where he elaborated on this theory and delved into a bunch more unfiltered truths.

The signs are abundantly clear: the American people are not interested in Nikki Haley, but that won’t stop the propaganda media and the establishment from shoving her down our collective throats.

A couple of years ago, Revolver wrote a bombshell piece highlighting the never-ending reasons why Nikki Haley would be one of the worst presidents this country has ever seen. If you haven’t already read it, we encourage you to check it out.

Here’s the Never-Ending List of Why Nikki Haley Would Suck as President

A recent Sioux City event for Haley was abruptly canceled due to the fact that not one person showed up. While some might try to say it was because of bad weather, that explanation actually falls short, since Vivek’s wife managed to draw a substantial crowd at her own event, and she’s not even running for office.

A story in two photos: Nikki Haley’s event in Sioux City (population 85k) was canceled because not one single person showed up while APOORVA Ramaswamy’s event in Indianola (population 15k) — that was scheduled with short notice — was standing-room only! Then again, why would you go see Nikki Haley in person when you can just pull up old Dick Cheney speeches on YouTube?

It’s no surprise that Nikki is facing a flat-out rejection from the American people. Her disdain for the middle class is evident, and her immigration policy would be the final blow to their livelihoods.

Vivek’s not just laser-focused on Nightmare Nikki. He’s also delivering ten hard-hitting truths about the January 6 hoax, which the Uniparty is promoting as a way to incarcerate President Trump.

This is what every candidate should be saying about January 6th, but they’re not.




Fmr Capitol Police Chief @ChiefSund requested National Guard support twice before Jan 6 – and was denied both times. Sund was begging for assistance for over 70 minutes before Nancy Pelosi’s Sergeant-at-Arms finally approved Sund’s request for support. (Little-known fact: New Jersey state police arrived to assist before the D.C. National Guard.)



Steve D’Antuono, the FBI chief overseeing the Detroit field office during the Gretchen Whitmer fake kidnapping plot – where 5 men were acquitted due to FBI entrapment – was promoted in Fall 2020 to lead the Washington, D.C. FBI field office…three months before Jan 6.




Ray Epps, who was caught *on camera* telling people to go into the Capitol building, was placed on the FBI “Most Wanted” list immediately after Jan 6, but then suddenly removed. Three years later, the U.S. government slapped Epps with a single “disorderly conduct” charge (0-6 months in jail).



Three Marines charged with entering the Capitol were given sensitive new intelligence assignments following Jan 6. All three are reportedly highly trained in signals intelligence. One was even assigned to the MCSB, which acts as a liaison between the Marines & the NSA at Fort Meade – one of the most sensitive facilities in the entire U.S. government.



The only person murdered on January 6 was Ashli Babbitt. Yesterday, her family filed a $30 million lawsuit against the federal government over her shooting. The lawsuit alleges that the officer who shot Babbitt had a record of gunplay & that his police powers were suspended in the past for “failing to meet or complete semiannual firearms qualification requirements.”



Pipe bombs were placed near the DNC & RNC headquarters on January 5, 2021, with many irregularities including Kamala Harris showing up at the DNC headquarters on the morning of Jan 6 – without Secret Service or any other law enforcement spotting the pipe bombs, only for both pipe bombs to be found later on Jan 6. Yet strangely the government still hasn’t said a *peep* about the perpetrator – despite available surveillance footage of the pipe bomber (which has not been fully released). A CBS reporter recently exposed the DOJ’s notable silence on this investigation. What really happened?


TRUTH #10:

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: I will pardon *all* Americans who were targets of politicized federal prosecutions & those who were denied due process on Day 1 when I take office – including all peaceful Jan 6 protesters & those who were denied their constitutional due process rights, with an individual case-by-case review, including of those who pled guilty in absence of full information.


Vivek is correct: January 6th was a hoax, and Nikki Haley is a nightmare. He’s exposing the deception behind both, revealing a very harsh and unpleasant truth.