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The Western world is spiraling downward, a direct result of the left’s twisted and failed progressive agenda. The low points of this agenda include creating massive gender confusion and Sodom and Gomorrah-style moral decay. At the same time, it also transforms strong, capable men into timid, confused shadows of their former selves. It’s all so unnatural and goes against who we are at the very core of our being. Everyone, everywhere, is noticing the changes happening around us. It’s so obvious that even Sergei Korotkikh, a co-founder of the neo-Nazi-affiliated Azov movement in Ukraine, has commented on it. He’s pointed out how the leftist agenda has sapped men of their traditional masculinity, turning them into cowards who shy away from confrontation. Regardless of this guy’s politics, there’s a lot of truth in his observation about today’s Western men.
🇪🇺🇺🇸🇺🇦🇷🇺‼️🚨 OUCH: “Leftists got all the masculinity out of western men and they don’t have the balls to fight Russia anymore, they can only run cowardly.”
— Opinion from the basements of Avdeevka, by one of the founders of Azov and the National Corps party, Sergei Korotkikh pic.twitter.com/srgLbEgNLS
— Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) January 28, 2024
There are a lot of articles and blogs out there on this disturbing topic, but this Reddit post from a young girl studying “feminism” from both sides of the political aisle is very interesting and worth a read:
I am a 19 year old female who is currently off-hand studying a lot of feminist and gender related literature from both sides of the aisle, and I have basically come to the conclusion that the western world, in general, but mostly men, is becoming far more feminine than before.
While I believe that women have to an extent also become more masculine, the changes to women have mostly been material, not social. While women work more and have kids later and develop better careers (and its debatable whether this even has anything to do with masculinity at all), they’re social mannerisms have definitely stayed relatively similar. A woman from 2010 can pretty easily hang out with a woman from 1950 and get along and have possibly similar interests. Well most women either way. Case in point, my professor is 73 years old, and she has no difficulty holding what is perceived as a ‘modern woman’ conversation.
But men of older times are RADICALLY more masculine than men today in western society, especially white, educated, liberal society. The change just since 2000 is enormous it seems. Even studying the hippies of the 1960s, they’re mannerisms, they’re lifestyles and beliefs were far more masculine than even moderate non-radical men of today. Its actually astounding, in class we were studying how even the most feminized of men back in the 1970s had discussions in a masculine manner that had a lot of guys shocked. Its hard to describe but the flow of the conversation was kind of how you would imagine a bunch of guys in 60s talking to eachother to be like, lots of making fun of others, crude jokes and comments, constant manly competition etc. That stuff is becoming increasingly distant in our society.
She’s right—even hippies, with their long hair and “flower power,” seem toxically masculine compared to many men today.

Everywhere you look, gender roles are flipping. Women are trying to be the so-called leaders, and men are now depicted as weak and clueless clowns.
We’ve been seeing this “buffoonish dad” portrayal in commercials for decades.
Regardless of whether or not Western men should be fighting a war with Russia—of course, we argue that such a war would be suicidal, foolhardy, destructive, and senseless—we can’t deny that the Ukrainian nationalist soldier is correct. If the men of Western Europe, and even many Americans, were called to war, they wouldn’t be able to answer the call.
This trend isn’t a coincidence, either; it’s a deliberate move to diminish traditionally masculine traits and elevate women, who are far easier to control, into positions of so-called “power.” This strategy isn’t just undermining Western men; it’s tearing apart the nuclear family and leaving us with a society that struggles with the basics of stress and hardship. The key takeaway here is that we need robust, competent men leading the way. The current shift towards overemotional women and effeminate men at the helm is a recipe for disaster, dragging Western societies down with it towards the hell of communism.
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