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It must be quite a privilege to be Ray Epps. You can incite riots on video, encourage people to storm government buildings on video, use “force” against police on video, and still be treated like both a victim and a hero.

It’s truly remarkable when you think about it. We’ve seen non-violent grandparents, who did nothing more than stroll through the Capitol with a police escort, being treated like ISIS terrorists. Meanwhile, Mr. Epps, who’s on video repeatedly calling for what the left labels an “insurrection,” is handled with velvet gloves by federal authorities and the sham J6 committee.

But brace yourselves, folks, because Mr. Epps isn’t finished receiving sweetheart deals from the feds. This instigator and leader of the pack is now being granted the luxury of bypassing a formal in-person sentencing. That’s right, Mr. Epps doesn’t have to face the paparazzi or appear in court before the judge. He doesn’t have to deal with any of the stress and trauma that most J6 defendants and other political prisoners have gone through. Instead, Mr. Epps is getting a private and secret Zoom sentencing today, which seems fitting for a king, right?

Gateway Pundit:

The D.C. Kangaroo Court suddenly changed Ray Epps’ in-person public sentencing hearing to a private/remote Zoom hearing yesterday evening.

Epps was scheduled to appear in person today at 10 AM at the E. Barrett Prettyman United States Courthouse in Washington D.C today for his sentencing. According to the Court Docket, on 1/8/24 the hearing was modified to a “hybrid hearing” (government in person/defense via Zoom.)

The team at Gateway Pundit believes they’ve unraveled the real reason behind Mr. Epps receiving this “royal treatment.” According to their investigation, it appears to be linked to another lawsuit. The Gateway Pundit article continues:

As reported by the Gateway Pundit, Epps was just sued by J6 defendant Eric Clark for “Conspiracy to Violate Civil Rights”. The case was filed in a Utah Federal Court.

Here’s where it gets shady.

The Gateway Pundit had a tip that Ray Epps was going to be served with the lawsuit at the courthouse during his sentencing. Process servers were hired by the Plaintiff and our reporters were scheduled to be there to capture the moment Epps was served on video. This was all discussed yesterday in private phone calls.

Then like magic, Ray Epps’ Fairy Godmother changed his PUBLIC IN-PERSON sentencing hearing to a PRIVATE REMOTE TELEPHONIC sentencing hearing.

In one last bizarre twist to this story, Mr. Epps secured yet another favorable deal with the federal authorities and received a one-year probation sentence. Not so surprisingly, no jail time was handed down on the individual who appeared in multiple videos inciting a so-called “insurrection” and engaging in altercations with law enforcement officers.

Here’s the latest on Mr. Epps’ sentencing:

The Hill:

An Arizona man at the center of the Capitol attack’s most persistent conspiracy theories was sentenced Tuesday to a year of probation for his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, riot.


Epps was also ordered Tuesday to pay $500 in restitution and to serve 100 hours of community service.

Once again, it appears that the federal authorities are swiftly coming to the aid of their favorite “insurrectionist.” It certainly seems that way to many observers, and it’s hard to blame them for drawing that conclusion, isn’t it?

After all, initially, the federal authorities didn’t even want to press charges against Epps.

The Washington Post:

“Investigation did not reveal sufficient evidence that Epps entered the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, engaged in acts of violence or committed any other criminal violations,” an FBI agent wrote.

It was only after widespread public outcry and outrage that the federal authorities relented and charged Epps with a measly misdemeanor. The Post piece continues:

Two and a half years later, Epps was charged with misdemeanor disorderly conduct and promptly pleaded guilty. And in a sentencing memorandum filed Tuesday, the government said he actually engaged in “felonious” behavior and should spend six months behind bars.

It was the latest turn in an unusual case defined less by what Epps did than what he did not do. The Arizona man became a focus of a conspiracy theory that the federal government ignited the Capitol riot. His defense attorney, Edward Ungvarsky, said the charging reversal “seems to be an ill-considered reaction to extremists’ relentless pressure on the government to charge Mr. Epps.”

It’s quite curious, isn’t it? This man has received the gold-star treatment, despite being the one who led the charge and incited people on January 5th to storm the Capitol the next day. Why is Ray Epps the only J6 “insurrectionist” whom the federal authorities seem to admire, respect, and protect?

This remains one of the great mysteries, and anyone who delves too deep into this question often faces consequences, such as lawsuits, job terminations, or other forms of silencing. Just take a look at what happened to Tucker Carlson, and Revolver itself has been a target of Soros-backed groups who have relentlessly attempted to silence us. Is it a mere coincidence that, thanks to our reporting, much of the January 6 narrative was destroyed and replaced with the more accurate “Fedsurrection” narrative?

We don’t believe in coincidences, especially when it comes to politics and the US regime.

Speaking of our investigative reporting, Revolver recently published an intriguing piece detailing how the DOJ attempted to undo their infatuation with Epps, using the flimsiest of sentencing documents. It was like they were trying to stuff toothpaste back into the tube—messy and totally pointless.

Regime Desperate to Tie Up Fedsurrection Loose Ends With Latest Epps Sentencing Document

If you’re interested in reading more of our investigative work on the January 6th “Fedsurrection,” we’ve put together a library of our most essential material, which you can access by clicking here.