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This morning, Dr. Rand Paul set the political scene ablaze, especially for Nikki Haley. With his “non-endorsement” for the 2024 primary and a pledge to oppose Haley, he’s fueling the #NeverNikki movement, and the internet can’t get enough!

While Dr. Paul has respect for several 2024 candidates, Nikki Haley isn’t one of them. Rather than endorsing a single candidate, Senator Paul chose to use his influence to spotlight what he sees as the horrific impact of Haley’s political career. Senator Rand Paul took to X and created a savage thread that called out Nikki for the warmongering globalist she is:

I’ve been watching the GOP Primary closely for a while now, and I like various aspects of several candidates – Republicans like President @realDonaldTrump, Governor @RonDeSantis, and @VivekGRamaswy.

I’m interested in the ideas of some independents too, such as @RobertKennedyJ.

As I look over the field, I don’t think I yet have a first choice, but I do know one thing: count me in as #NeverNikki!

ased on her record and campaign, I don’t see how any thoughtful or informed libertarian or conservative should vote for @NikkiHaley. If you agree, let your voice be heard.

Go to nevernikki.net today so we can let her and everyone else know she doesn’t have your support. If you’re unsure, keep reading and following.


.@NikkiHaley supports Biden and McConnell and the forever-war crowd on funding for the war in Ukraine.

Her thirst for war is so strong she actually said: “I’m sick of talking about a Department of Defense. I want a Department of Offense.” #NeverNikki

She even personally received millions of dollars from the arms merchants who benefit from the war, a conflict of interest that undergirds her eagerness for foreign military intervention.

This position isn’t new either – as governor of South Carolina she gave tax dollars to those same arms merchants, and they showered her with campaign contributions and a seat on their board when she left office.


While most others were decrying the mistakes of the past 20 years, and fighting for an America First foreign policy, @NikkiHaley was aligning herself with and declaring her foreign policy allies to be John McCain and Lindsey Graham.

.@NikkiHaley believes in nearly unlimited foreign aid — we have sent over $100 BILLION we don’t have to Ukraine already and she wants more. But this also isn’t new.

In her book With All Due Respect, she wrote “Humanitarian Assistance will always be a priority for the United States, we will always be generous.”

But @NikkiHaley’s “generosity” with your tax dollars and her support for all foreign aid in the context of a $34 TRILLION dollar debt is in no way libertarian or conservative.


Beyond the issues of endless wars, @NikkiHaley’s lack of respect for freedom of speech is shocking to anyone who believes in the constitution.

.@NikkiHaley believes that all internet posters should be registered and verified. This flies in the face of a free American Republic whose founders wrote anonymously the Federalist Papers and routinely posted newspaper articles and pamphlets under Pseudonyms.

Anyone who doesn’t fully believe in free speech or who wants endless wars has no business anywhere near the White House. Go to https://nevernikki.net/ to show you agree!

But wait, there’s more.

@NikkiHaley routinely praised the mission of the United Nations, the results they achieved, and the people who ran it.

First up, her quote “I believe the U.N. does valuable work.” By that she means your tax dollars since the US is the primary funder of UN.

She repeatedly praised the U.N. Secretary General (former president of Socialist International) and declared that they “think alike.”

Did I mention that I am #NeverNikki? ➡️

Below is Rand’s video clip, pushing his #NeverNikki stance.

Revolver has been consistently beating the #NeverNikki drum for years. Actually, two years ago, we compiled a list detailing why Nikki Haley would be a disastrous choice for president. Today, that list is as pertinent as ever and deserves to be shared far and wide, shedding light on why this “Hillary Clinton” wannabe would be a calamity for the country.


Allowing Nikki Haley to become a leader in the Republican Party would be a return to Bush-era conservatism, defined by idiotic foreign adventures, empowering anti-American megacorporations, & endless capitulation to the left’s inverted moral agenda.

You can read the entire list here:

Here’s the Never-Ending List of Why Nikki Haley Would Suck as President

Speaking of Hillary Clinton, Nikki Haley once stated that Hillary was her political inspiration.

An admission like that should be enough reason to disqualify her from ever running as a Republican again.

Nikki Haley’s not exactly a beacon of truth, is she? She recently said she wanted to hike up the retirement age and then, in classic politician style, tried to backtrack as if it never happened.

But guess what, Nikki? We’ve got the receipts—you on camera, loud and clear, lady…

Supporting Nikki Haley means endorsing the ugly political past we’re trying to move away from. A vote for her would mean a return to endless wars, an increase in illegal invasions, and a gateway for establishment elites to regain their globalist influence. Make no mistake, Nikki represents progressive policies to the core.

To learn more about Rand Paul’s #NeverNikki campaign, click here.

Join the effort to challenge establishment politics by supporting the #NeverNikki movement!