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Flipping Dianne Feinstein’s Senate seat red? It sounds a bit out there, but some folks believe it could happen, especially with baseball legend and Republican Steve Garvey stepping up to the plate. He’s in the race to turn Feinstein’s long-held blue seat bright, shiny red.

Discern Report:

A Republican candidate appears to be throwing a wrench into California’s Senate race where three prominent Democrats are running in the open primary that’s just months away, according to a Thursday poll.

Former baseball star Steve Garvey, the Republican, received 19% support in a Morning Consult/Politico survey among likely primary voters, placing in second behind only Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff with 28%. The Republican polled ahead of both Democratic Reps. Katie Porter and Barbara Lee, who garnered 17% and 14% support, respectively.

In the March 5 primary, the top two vote-getters will advance to the November general election. Garvey could effectively boot Porter and Lee from competing with Schiff in the general if he were to place in second for the open primary, which would likely mean that Schiff would win the Senate seat.

The Cook Political Report characterizes the seat as in the “Solid D” category. California went for President Joe Biden in 2020 by nearly 30 points.

With Biden at the top of the ticket in 2024, and California being a predominately blue state, Schiff is expected to win the general election. If the Republican places second in the primary, Schiff wouldn’t have to face another Democrat for a head-to-head matchup.

During the Senate seat debate, Steve Garvey pulled out the big guns and landed quite a hit on Schiff. He took him to task over the mulitityde of lies that he spread to the American people. Adam should have left well enough alone, and said nothing, but he made the mistake of trying to defend himself, and that’s when Steve went on for the grand slam.

Adam Schiff gets called out during the CA Senate debate by Republican Steve Garvey for lying about Russian collusion:

Garvey: “I believe you were censured for lying.”

Schiff: “I was censured for standing up to a corrupt president”

Garvey: “Sir, you lied to 300 million people and you can’t take that back.”

This takedown was savage, and boy, was it long overdue. Just check out the reaction on Schiff’s face at the end of the clip:

Can Steve actually pull it off? He’s going for the common-sense campaign approach in the blue state, while Dems cater to the left-wing crazies. However, it won’t be easy, that’s for sure. The seat is solid blue, but if there’s a year to do it, now is the time. Many Democrats are fed up with what’s happening in this country, with the open border chaos, the cruddy economy, and the endless “wars” Biden seems hell-bent on getting us into. So, if Steve keeps landing these heavy blows against “Pencil Neck” Adam Schiff, who knows? He might just have a real chance.