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One thing you can always count on with President Trump is that he won’t attack American voters, no matter who they support. He may use strong language when attacking politicians, but he doesn’t go after their voters. Why? Because, regardless of political affiliation, they’re still Americans. So, why would anyone running for office in the United States insult any American? It’s a valid question, yet many politicians do just that. Take Joe Biden, for example. His entire campaign was built on the premise that MAGA supporters are evil domestic terrorists.

Who can forget that eerie “Hitler” speech Joe delivered in Pennsylvania? He stood before blood-red walls, flanked by two Marines, creating a scene reminiscent of something from the Nazi Party playbook.

Joe didn’t learn from his past mistakes. He kicked off his 2024 campaign with yet another fiery “Hitler” speech, doubling down on his focus on MAGA and labeling them a domestic threat. Meanwhile, Biden’s approval ratings continue to plummet, and Americans are growing increasingly frustrated with his lack of leadership, which is totally disconnected from the issues Americans are truly concerned about.

Crime is soaring, inflation is choking families, our borders are wide open, we’re shoveling billions into Ukraine, and Joe seems hell-bent on getting us into WW3 if it’s the last thing he does, and at this point, it might be. Now, Nikki Haley has joined the ranks of slimy politicians who criticize their fellow Americans, and in this case, fellow Republicans. During her appearance on Fox News, she labeled Trump’s supporters as “abnormal people.” This rhetoric is reminiscent of Ron DeSantis referring to MAGA supporters as “listless vessels,” Hillary Clinton’s reference to Trump supporters as “deplorables,” and Joe Biden’s description of them as “domestic terrorists.” Nikki Haley has now become a part of this hateful and shameful club.

This type of nasty, negative rhetoric has never proven to be a wise political move, as we’ve seen by the failed attempts of people like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Ron DeSantis. Biden’s presidency is swiftly becoming the most unpopular in our lifetime, and he seems to be heading for a brutal smackdown in 2024. Hillary couldn’t be elected president of her HOA, and DeSantis returned to Florida after struggling to connect with conservative voters. Now, it’s time to send the same message to Nikki Haley, who is the “darling” of the globalist/warmongering establishment.