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The left is in a state of disarray today. They are reeling because, at last, the right has unearthed a way to undermine their “diversity program.” Conservatives have stumbled upon the coveted “silver bullet” required to successfully put an end to the DEI movement with one decisive strike: plagiarism.

The situation has become so precarious that the entire left-wing apparatus has had to close ranks, sensing defeat on the horizon. The media is the first line of defense against this newfound right-wing weapon and is mounting a vigorous counterattack. However, resistance is futile because when individuals who are ill-suited for positions of authority are promoted, their inadequacies and lack of skill leave a trail of breadcrumbs, making it easy to expose them. Such is the case with the former Harvard President, Claudine Gay, who resigned in disgrace after her history of plagiarism was unveiled by a right-wing reporter named Christopher Rufo.

After all, if a student at Harvard was caught doing this, they’d be expelled.


Harvard University alumni are speaking out after researchers Christopher Rufo and Christopher Brunet revealed school president Claudine Gay may have plagiarized her doctoral dissertation.

In a report released Sunday, Rufo and Brunet detailed accusations that Gay lifted entire sections of text from other academics to pad her own paper. This dissertation was then submitted to Harvard for review in 1997, allowing Gay to obtain her Doctor of Psychology degree and eventually become the school’s leading administrator.

First, Gay lifts an entire paragraph nearly verbatim from Lawrence Bobo and Franklin Gilliam’s paper, ‘Race, Sociopolitical Participation, and Black Empowerment,’ while passing it off as her own paraphrase and language,” the report reads. “Second, Gay appears to lift material from scholar Carol Swain in at least two instances.”
They also alleged that Gay “composes an entire appendix in the dissertation directly taken from Gary King’s book, A Solution to the Ecological Inference Problem.”

Such plagiarism is what Harvard calls “verbatim plagiarism.” It is a violation of the school’s Honor Code, which can lead to the school taking substantial disciplinary actions.

Now, the AP has initiated a scathing “anti-white” attack on Chris Rufo for simply doing his job as a journalist, which involves investigating and exposing an elitist black woman who advanced her career on the backs of other people’s hard work and diligent efforts.

When Rufo learned that Gay had resigned in disgrace, he simply responded, “Scalped.” Meaning, in this ongoing battle between the right and left, he successfully exposed a prominent figure’s wrongdoing and correctly took them down. Of course, the AP, aligned with the left, resorted to their typical “anti-white” nonsense and went after the “scalping” comment, ignoring the fact that this elitist lied and plagiarized her way to the top. She’s a fraud, but the fine journalists at the AP don’t care about that because her skin color is black.

I guess “scalping” is only allowed when the left does it.


Disregard the fact that the entire “scalping” argument put forth by the AP is historically inaccurate. In their zest to promote their bigotry and twisted progressive agenda, the AP has rewritten history, misrepresenting the well-known American Indian practice of scalping and attributing it to white colonists as “a gruesome practice aimed at eradicating Native Americans.” It’s as if these frauds can’t resist spreading fake news.

Furthermore, according to the AP, being honest about your academic achievements and not stealing from others is now a “conservative weapon.” The good news is that the AP got SCALPED by Community Notes for their embarrassingly partisan “reporting.”

But it’s not just the big media types circling the wagons; it’s everyone on the left, including this hack from the Daily Beast, who can’t wait for “right-wing academics” to be exposed for plagiarism. Well, the joke’s on him because good luck finding a “right-wing academic,” pal.

Of course, the hysterical crew over at Morning Joe called this move an “attack on diversity.” In truth, it’s an attack on frauds who use their skin color and other people’s words to get a leg up in this world.

And you can see why the left is in such a tizzy over plagiarism. After all, their bumbling “commander in chief” was accused of it and also had to drop out of his first presidential run in shame because of it.

Deception and theft appear to be fundamental traits of the Democratic Party.

Joe’s famous attempt at self-defense regarding the plagiarism scandal produced one of the best self-owns in history. It’s safe to say that intelligence was never Joe’s strong suit.

Here’s a closeup of the image:


But hey, don’t feel too bad for Claudine, who used other people’s words to build her reputation. This under-qualified diversity hire is still collecting a nice, fat paycheck.

If only we all could experience this type of deep-seated “oppression,” right?