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Back in 2021, when Big Fani kicked off her sham, so-called ‘”investigation” into President Trump. To really beef things up, she brought on John Floyd, a top dog in Georgia’s racketeering law scene. Floyd was supposed to be her trump card against Trump. But as fate and irony would have it, it’s all spiraled into a huge mess for Big Fani. Now, she’s the one caught in her own little RICO quagmire, with John Floyd smack in the middle of it.

It all started with that alleged affair that Big Fani had with her lead investigator, who was looking into President Trump. That man’s name is Big Fani, and it doesn’t sound like she’s denying the affair, which left this man’s poor wife destitute.


Fani Willis appeared to refer to allegations that she had an affair for the first time, as she gave a speech in church.

A lawsuit brought against Willis by one of the co-defendants in the Donald Trump case, which the Fulton County district attorney is in charge of, alleges she “engaged in a personal, romantic relationship” with prosecutor Nathan Wade. Brought by Michael Roman, it claims Willis “personally benefited from” from the alleged affair, meaning she acted “to defraud the public of honest services.”

“I hope for y’all this week I don’t look like what I’ve been through,” Willis said, as she addressed the Big Bethel AME Church in Atlanta, Georgia, ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. She didn’t explicitly talk about the allegations, or deny them.

While Roman’s case hasn’t yet presented evidence to support the allegations, Willis called herself “flawed and imperfect” during an emotional speech, adding that she had faced death threats and experienced “loneliness.”

It was during this church speech that Fani claimed she paid everyone the same amount. The Newsweek piece goes on:

The three prosecutors hired were all paid the “same hourly rate,” according to Willis in her church speech, but Wade is accused of benefiting financially and “being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to prosecute this case on her behalf.” Roman said Wade is also inexperienced.

County records seen by The Hill show Wade was paid legal fees of $654,000 from 2022 to 2023 in relation to the Trump case.

The filed motion continued: “[Wade] will continue to be incentivized to prosecute this case based on his personal and financial motives, so he has acquired a unique and personal interest or stake in Mr. Roman’s continued prosecution. That is, he is motivated to prosecute Mr. Roman for as long as possible because he will continue to make exorbitant sums of money.”

In her speech, Willis suggested there was racial motivation behind the attacks against her.

It sounds like Fani the homewrecker is trying to play the sympathy card.

But the alleged affair and her church comments have landed Big Fani in a heap of trouble. As people dig deeper into her business dealings, more lies and inconsistencies are surfacing. For example, Fani said at church that she paid all her “special prosecutors” equally. However, the contracts from Fulton County paint a very different picture. Ironically, John Floyd, the most seasoned among them and an expert in RICO law, received the least compensation, and he’s also the only white guy on the team. It seems like Fani might be running her own version of a DEI program in Georgia, to boot.

But it wasn’t just a little bit less; Big Fani reportedly undercut expert John by a lot. Meanwhile, she overpaid the guy she was having an affair with, who supposedly used the money to take her on BIG vacations.

Pro Swing Trading:

REPORT: Fani Willis was paying attorney John Floyd, considered to be an expert on RICO cases, $100/hr LESS than she paid her BF Nathan Wade, who had minimal experience.

Wade subsequently used the money to take Willis on lavish vacations.

The race card won’t save Fani from the inside of a jail cell.


Criminal defense attorney Robert Gouveia had this to say about Fani’s latest deception in a post on X:

The allegations above are corroborated by a report in the New York Post that cites documents uncovered by the Daily Caller:

Under fire Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis stands accused of paying one of her special prosecutors $100 less per hour than her less-qualified alleged lover Nathan Wade.

Court records show Wade billing the Fulton District Attorney’s office $250 per hour for his work prosecuting Donald Trump and 18 others on state racekteering charges over 2020 election interference in November and December 2021, despite having no experience in that area of law.

Meanwhile John Floyd — regarded the state’s foremost expert on Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) cases — was only billing $150 an hour in those same months, according to a contract obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Big Fani seems to be in deep trouble and owes a lot of explanations. This is just another classic case of left-wing tyrants and charlatans. They point fingers at President Trump, accusing him of all sorts of misdeeds, while they’re busy spinning their own webs of criminality and deceit. Karma, though, has a knack for dragging these liars and thieves into the spotlight. Hopefully, real justice prevails, and we’ll see Big Fani trading her suits for an orange jumpsuit behind bars.