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Tucker adamantly opposes the idea of Nikki Haley as a presidential candidate. As you probably already know, he endorsed President Donald Trump. However, there’s one condition: if Trump were to make the fatal mistake of choosing Nikki as his vice president, Tucker would retract his endorsement and actively campaign against him to prevent Haley from coming anywhere close to the White House. That’s how strongly Tucker opposes Nikki’s globalist and warmongering politics.

As you can imagine, Tucker is on a mission to expose Nikki for the dangerous globalist she is. But beyond just being a globalist, Tucker says Nikki is a bona fide liberal. After all, could anyone but a flaming liberal say something as stupid as this?

Nikki epitomizes a quintessential liberal feminist, and Tucker was able to prove it in about two minutes flat. Investigative journalist Rogan O’Handley had this to say about Tucker’s brilliant 120-second assessment:

Tucker destroys the Nimrata campaign in 2 minutes:

“Nikki Haley is a liberal

She is all-in on the 4 tenets of neoliberalism which are:

White guilt
[Globalist] Finance-based economy
Mass immigration, and
Endless NeoCon wars

Nikki Haley is identical to Joe Biden in her priorities”

This is why mainstream media is boosting Nimrata – they know she’s one of them

Tucker hits the mark on this one. Nikki Haley is essentially our version of Hillary Clinton. In fact, Nikki shamelessly admitted that Hillary Clinton was her “inspiration” for politics. Just the thought of having Hillary Clinton as a “hero” should be an automatic disqualification for Nikki.

If you want to understand why Nikki Haley would be a terrible president, take a look at the list Revolver compiled two years ago that should put the ‘President Nikki’ debate to rest:

Here’s the Never-Ending List of Why Nikki Haley Would Suck as President