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It’s rather amusing to see the propaganda media finally wake up to a reality they’ve dodged for years: Joe Biden lacks support. This isn’t a sudden development. His support has been dwindling for quite some time, but you’d hardly know it with how the state-run media’s been spinning things. They’ve been bending over backward trying to paint a picture of a savvy political statesman at the helm, not a confused, bewildered old man showing signs of dementia.

The team at ABC News is finally facing the hard truth, and it’s not sitting well with them. But this is where the game changes; you can’t just pretend anymore. It’s time to call it like it is. The Democrats are approaching a crucial decision point for 2024: stick with Joe as their faltering, confused quarterback, or bench him in favor of someone new who can at least run a few plays with some vigor.

Here’s the stark reality: Joe’s popularity is at an all-time low, with ABC News reporting the worst polling numbers they’ve seen in 15 years. All that chatter about a booming economy, global peace, and unity? It’s completely missed the mark, for obvious reasons. Now, the consequences are clear: the failings of Biden’s presidency are reflected in every poll and are top of mind for Americans everywhere.

But don’t worry; ABC is still covering Joe. They actually withheld their top-line Trump-Biden head-to-head poll number from the public.

Still, we can glean from their numbers that Trump is clearly the strongest candidate in this race at this juncture.

Meanwhile, President Trump is carving out his own piece of history. According to the final Iowa Caucus poll by the Des Moines Register, Donald Trump stands at 48 percent, a whopping 28 percent ahead of his nearest challenger. This lead is the largest for any GOP candidate in the history of this poll.

In addition, the new CBS News poll has Trump leading against Biden, as does every other poll out there.

It’s quite a stretch to see Biden pulling in so much support in a CBS poll, especially when an ABC poll just showed him at a historic low. It goes without saying, but something still doesn’t add up with our polls. They seem to be more about pushing a narrative than reflecting reality, in many respects. Most would argue that, with the mood in the country right now, Biden would be lucky to pull ten percent support.