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There’s no real need for a GOP primary; let’s be real. Right-wing and moderate conservative voters have already made their choice crystal clear, and Nikki Haley isn’t it. Her flop in Iowa says it all: she was banking on second place but ended up trailing far behind in third; even DeSantis did better, but not by much. Why are these two still hanging in there? Next up, we’ve got Haley going head-to-head with Trump in New Hampshire and her home state of South Carolina. It looks like the GOP bigwigs, who tossed DeSantis aside, are now betting big on Haley. But in all honesty, she’s about as popular and likable as Hillary Clinton.

Nikki Haley? Her campaign’s running on empty unless you count recycled Bush-era policies as a game plan for 2024. She’s all about that globalist life, so forget her backing anything even close to “America First.” Instead, Nikki’s playing the only card she’s got: age. She argues that Americans are sick of lugging around the baggage of two 80-year-old politicians of the past. But here’s the thing: Trump’s not even 80 yet; he’s 77. Yet he’s still seen as the outsider, despite his four-year stint as president. Trump is not cut from the same Swamp cloth as Nikki. He’s always been and always will be a world apart from that crowd.

RELATED: Nikki Haley’s speechwriter forgot to update her script after that humiliating third-place finish…

As for Haley and Biden? They’re two peas in a career politician pod, pushing the same old globalist agenda that’s got us in this mess in the first place.

Trust us, Nikki is part of the “good ol’ boys” club that consists of Klaus Schwab, Obama, Fauci, and Bill Gates, whom she has a lot of adoration for.

And speaking of adoring evil ghouls, Haley has gone on record, saying one of her biggest political influences is none other than that winged harpy, Hillary Clinton.

Trump knows. Look what he posted on Truth:

Nikki Haley’s been outed for her left-wing stance on nearly every issue, but she’s not sweating it. Her game plan is to boldly deny everything to the voters. Right before the Iowa caucus, Ron DeSantis launched a savage ad that put Haley through a meatgrinder for her string of baldfaced lies:

But that won’t stop Nikki. She’s a bossy, controlling woman on a mission to return the old GOP boys club to the White House, and nothing will stop her.

Here she is spouting her “age” argument, trying to convince the country to rally around a 50-year-old woman who embraces the policies of an 80-year-old failed globalist.

What’s strikingly ironic is that Nikki Haley’s appeal, aside from the #NeverTrumpers and GOP establishment elites, largely resonates with Democrats. There’s actually a strategy brewing to rally Democrats to vote in New Hampshire’s open primary. The goal is to undermine conservatives and Republicans and hand Haley a fake “win” over President Trump.

Does that strike you as the hallmark of “conservative results,” like Nikki talks about?

InfoWars reporter and independent podcaster Chase Geiser made a brilliant post that summed up how most conservatives feel about this issue:

Amen, that’s the sentiment from most, thankfully.

A couple of years ago, Revolver also highlighted this crucial point: casting a vote for Nikki Haley is essentially endorsing outdated Bush-era policies. It would mean a return to outsourcing jobs, engaging in endless wars, and embracing that cowardly brand of “compassionate conservatism,” which paved the way for the extreme and very radical “woke” ideology currently choking the life out of our nation.


Allowing Nikki Haley to become a leader in the Republican Party would be a return to Bush-era conservatism, defined by idiotic foreign adventures, empowering anti-American megacorporations, and endless capitulation to the left’s inverted moral agenda.

You can read the entire never-ending list of why Nikki Haley would absolutely suck as president here:

Here’s the Never-Ending List of Why Nikki Haley Would Suck as President

The one person who’s been relentlessly challenging and crushing Nikki Haley since her campaign launch is Vivek Ramswamy. As you likely know by now, Ramswamy has put aside his own 2024 ambitions to support President Trump in his mission to make America great again. He teamed up with Trump in New Hampshire, and his target? It was Nikki.

Fortunately the people of New Hampshire have seen the light, and they’re poised to reject Nikki’s nonsense, according to two brand spanking polls that we covered here:

BREAKING: Brand new NH polls sound Nikki Haley’s death knell…

One poll is from the Boston Globe:

The other is from St. Anselm College:

The surefire path to making America great again involves rallying behind President Trump. It’s crucial to prevent the GOP establishment and Democrats from joining forces to shove yet another globalist candidate like Nikki Haley down our collective gullets.