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A former CIA analyst is issuing a dire warning to Americans: exercise caution, as the CIA is gearing up to involve itself in the 2024 election.

Fox News:

A Georgetown University professor who spent 12 years as a CIA intelligence analyst is warning that diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts and the overall politicization of the intelligence community have become a “significant” problem and that he is confident those agencies will attempt to interfere with the 2024 election similar to their efforts in 2020.

“My guess is that the the proverbial deep state within the intelligence community will reemerge because presumably a Republican candidate will again be seen as a threat to the internal policies that many intelligence people like,” Dr. John Gentry, author of the new book, “Neutering the CIA: Why US Intelligence Versus Trump Has Long-Term Consequences,” told Fox News Digital.

Dr. Gentry indicates that the CIA and other intelligence agencies revealed their hands when they became involved in the Hunter Biden scandal and deceived the American people.

Gentry told Fox News Digital that downplaying the Hunter Biden laptop was “clearly political” and that a highly placed source told him “in no uncertain terms” that it was done “explicitly” with the “intent to help the Biden campaign.”

He said there have already been signs in recent weeks that current or former intelligence agency members will be active in 2024.

“I long have thought we are likely to again see former intelligence officers be politically active against Trump or whomever the Republican presidential candidate is next year, and I expect leaking to resume,” Gentry said. “The activities of ‘formers’ have resumed already, a bit before I expected.”

Gentry pointed to a recent article from Marc Polymeropoulos, a CIA official who retired in 2019 and was the co-lead of the Hunter Biden laptop “open letter,” and former FBI employee Asha Rangappa that warned of the dangers of Trump’s rhetoric on the campaign trail.

“Asha Rangappa once worked at the FBI and also was openly anti-Trump, though as a relatively junior former, she attracted less attention than many,” Gentry said. “I think it is worth closely monitoring these people. Many have compromised their credibility by actions such as the ‘Laptop 51’ letter.”

Essentially, the Uniparty has been working tirelessly to weaponize intel, and according to Dr. Gentry, it’s working.

A major issue over the past few decades, Gentry said, was the introduction of DEI policies at the major intelligence agencies, including the CIA, that shifted attention away from day-to-day operations to a more “woke” political agenda.

“It was an effort half a century ago to get more women and minorities into the intelligence community,” Gentry said. “This was done under the rubric of affirmative action. It gradually became more of a policy through the Clinton administration. But it took a significant step forward, or not, depending on your perspective, when President Obama signed an executive order designed to improve diversity and inclusion in the federal workforce.”

This dreaded information is enough to cause Americans sleepless nights. There’s already a significant level of nervous anticipation surrounding the 2024 election, and it’s easy to understand why. Thanks to the so-called “pandemic,” the influx of sketchy mail-in ballots, and that infamous interference from US intelligence agencies, the 2020 election remains shrouded in mystery. As a result, polls indicate that a majority of Americans believe that cheating had an impact on the 2020 presidential election.

WION News:

In a survey, a large number of likely voters believe cheating affected the US President Joe Biden’s win over former president Donald Trump in 2020.

Even more people feel that a key Democratic election reform scheme will hike the fraud. The survey has been done by Rasmussen Reports. 56% respondents felt ‘It’s likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election’ including 41%, who say it’s ‘very likely’, said the survey.

Additionally, a vast majority of US voters fear that American intelligence agencies will once again interfere in the 2024 election. Dr. Gentry seems to be right on target, don’t you think?

The Cradle:

An overwhelming majority of US voters say they are concerned about law enforcement and intelligence agencies interfering in future elections, according to a new Harvard CAPS-Harris poll.

When asked whether they were concerned “about interference by the FBI and intelligence agencies in a future presidential election,” 37 percent of respondents said they were “very concerned,” while 33 percent said they were “somewhat concerned.”

Dr. Gentry also noted that there was a time when personal politics were never discussed within the confines of intel agencies. However, after witnessing the events involving the two FBI “lovebirds,” Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, and their anti-Trump hysteria, we can truly see how far the intel community has fallen.

It appears that we must heed Dr. Gentry’s warnings seriously if we hope to witness a genuinely free and fair election in 2024. The full Fox News interview with this very interesting man can be viewed here.

Here’s a talk he gave recently to the Institute of World Politics: