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Some years ago, during a Sky News investigation near Johannesburg, South Africa, an unscientific survey was conducted that included 38 African men. Astonishingly, 28 of these men openly confessed to raping a woman. The Sky News reporter could not contain his shock, as these men flippantly described their attacks on women, completely unable to comprehend what “rape trauma” was.

Just look at this reporter’s face:

Regrettably, both the US and Europe are welcoming this type of danger into their countries through mass migration and illegal wide-open border policies.

Here is the original article from Sky News:

Sky News went to a township near Johannesburg to do our own impromptu survey asking men whether they had ever forced a woman to have sex.

While unscientific, the idea was to get a snapshot of men’s views on women.

Below is another example of a young African man openly confessing to raping a woman and displaying a disturbing lack of awareness regarding the trauma he inflicted.

Respondent number six – aged 24

Q: Have you ever had sex with a woman who didn’t want to?
A: Yes.

Q: How did it happen?
A: We watched (a) game of soccer together at my place at night while her parents had gone out. I bought some ciders. I knew she liked them, and we drunk together. In the middle of the game I (raped her).

Q: Did she open a case against you?
A: No!

Q: Why not?
A: I think she just got scared of her parents and avoided the embarrassment.

Q: Have you apologised to her to see if she had animosity towards you after the rape?
A: I tried but she didn’t want to talk to me.

Q: How do you feel that you did such a thing to your neighbour?
A: I feel great because she is a nice woman to have (slept) with even though (it was) against her will.

Sadly enough, that disturbing mentality is heading to a town near you. As mentioned earlier, this “animalistic” mindset is infiltrating Western culture due to the motives of globalist leaders such as Macron, Biden, and others.

Think about this: the UK ushered in African rape culture into their cities and towns, and they don’t allow women to use pepper spray to try to defend themselves.

Trust Advisory Group:

Pepper spray is almost completely banned in the UK. Its possession, carrying and use by ordinary citizens is prohibited under section 5 (1) (b) of the Firearms Act 1968

Women in the UK don’t have a fighting chance to save themselves. They must simply go limp and submit to being raped. But it’s not just the UK; this globalist mindset of “Migrants Welcome” was fiercely championed by disgraced former German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The consequences of her horrific policies are now taking a toll on the people of Germany.

This article from the German publication NZZ shines a glaring light on what this rape culture mindset has done to German women. They’re sitting ducks, being devoured in their own country by savage outsiders.


Irregular migration to Germany has a negative impact on public space security. Women and girls are particularly affected. In addition to the violence they already experience from locals, they are endangered by sexual offenders who came into the country with the asylum migration.

This is shown by the figures of the Police Crime Statistics. From 2015 to 2022, there were more than 8590 reported cases of rape, sexual coercion, and sexual assaults by immigrants. Under the term ‘immigrants’, the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) records people who have come to Germany through the asylum system. Over 90 percent of the victims of sexual offenses are female

The article goes on to say that there’s an urgent need for reform before more German women lose their sexual integrity.

In an article for the NZZ, migration researcher Ruud Koopmans describes the risks of European asylum policy. Koopmans sees an urgent need for reform to end the deaths in the Mediterranean and the Sahara. But irregular immigration is also dangerous for the native population of the destination countries, says the migration expert.

Most rape victims are German

Thousands of women in Germany have lost their sexual integrity. Koopmans writes that between 2017 and 2020, over 3000 women were victims of rape by one or more refugees. Most of them are German nationals.

And the number of German women who’ve been raped by migrants is staggering. The NZZ piece continues:

How many women exactly become victims of rape, sexual coercion, or a sexual assault is not publicly accessible. However, the NZZ has the figures of a special evaluation by the BKA for the Federal Ministry of the Interior.

They show that since 2017, more than 1000 women have experienced a sexual assault by immigrants each year. Therefore, it can be assumed that there are at least 7000 female victims since the crisis year of 2015.

What’s even more concerning, as we delve into the core of this “African rape culture,” is how this relatively small group of migrant men, in comparison to the overall population, is responsible for a significant percentage of rapes and other violent crimes, as reported in the NZZ article. The age of these migrant men is also a crucial factor; the younger they are, the more susceptible they tend to be to the prevailing rape culture.

Migration experts refer to asylum seekers coming from Africa to Europe to improve their economic situation as ‘economic migrants’.

Less than 2.5 percent of the population are asylum migrants

The numbers are also explosive in context. According to the Police Crime Statistics, in 2022, there were nearly 12,000 reported cases of rape and sexual coercion. Of the approximately 10,000 suspects, 6366 were German and 3679 were non-German. Immigrants accounted for 1155 of the suspects. They are thus overrepresented in crimes against sexual self-determination, measured against their small population share.

This is because the proportion of asylum migrants was less than 2.5 percent of the total population in 2022. They are not only overrepresented in rapes but also in other violent crimes such as murder and manslaughter.

In the case of rapes, the overrepresentation of male refugees is striking. In 2020, refugees were five times more overrepresented in committed rapes, accounting for 14 percent, as Koopmans writes in his book ‘The Asylum Lottery’. In sexual offenses overall – which includes sexual harassment and sexual abuse – they are 3.3 times more likely to be suspected than their share of the population would suggest.

Experts believe this is occurring for a myriad of reasons, with the main one being cultural and environmental. The NZZ piece concludes:

Reasons for this include both the men’s own experiences of violence in their childhood and youth, which make violence seem like a legitimate means to them, and the sometimes archaic structures of their countries of origin.

The country of origin plays a role

Islamically influenced countries like Afghanistan, Iran, and Syria – in contrast to Western nations – are characterized by their patriarchal structure. Women and girls are systematically demeaned and treated as second-class humans. Women in refugee accommodations or on their way to Europe are also exposed to danger and often defenseless when traveling alone.

What this all boils down to is cultural incompatibility. Humans are different for many reasons: culture, environment, traditions, religion, and the list goes on. Instead of pretending these differences are bad or negative, it would behoove Western cultures to not only acknowledge these differences but also respect them and maintain a safe distance for the safety of their citizens and their culture. Globalists already know this, and they simply don’t care. It’s up to the people to reject it, but in some cases, it’s already far too late. The roots have taken hold, and they will bear deadly fruit.