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Want a crystal clear picture of the Democrats’ “America Last” stance? Just listen to Chuck Schumer’s latest ultimatum that he issued to the American people. Schumer, shielded by his security detail, isn’t losing sleep over his family’s safety. So, the chaos at the US border doesn’t faze him in the least. But let’s call it what it is: an invasion. And not just any invasion—this is a planned scheme to usher in new voters for the Democrats, replacing the supporters they’re hemorrhaging due to their unpopular, failing policies. Don’t brush off the Great Replacement Theory as a conspiracy, folks; it’s unfolding right before your eyes.

Predictably, regime reporters throw around the “racist” label at anyone who even mentions the Replacement Theory. It’s their go-to tactic to discredit those pointing out the obvious. They did the same to Tucker Carlson, who’s been vocal about this issue for a while. Adding to the irony, the reporter who highlighted Tucker’s comments has just left MSNBC rather than face a demotion due to his show’s low popularity.

Right now, there’s a deadlock between Democrats and Republicans. The Dems are clamoring for more funding for their precious Ukraine, while some Republicans are standing their ground, demanding better border security. In the midst of this political circus, the country is spiraling into complete chaos. Our lawmakers are refusing to enforce existing immigration laws, which is leading to a full-blown foreign invasion at the border. As the nation grapples with this crisis, our congressmen are busy with pointless hearings, looking for juicy soundbites that’ll build up their social media clout.

Chuck Schumer recently escalated the Uniparty’s “America Last” agenda to shocking new heights with his latest shameful ultimatum. As Americans deal with a drug epidemic and surging crime rates nationwide, Schumer’s attention is fixated solely on Ukraine. He’s so focused, in fact, that he’s refusing to even discuss safeguarding American lives unless he secures additional funds for the ongoing conflict in Ukraine—a war that many suspect is just a façade for elite money laundering. Schumer’s own words are deeply disturbing. revealing the true sickening anti-American priorities and foreign loyalties of the Democratic Party.

Chuck Schumer’s anti-America stance mirrors what the Democrat Party proudly stands for: a shameful disregard for America, along with a deep-seated greed for money and power. And don’t be fooled; Chuck won’t hesitate to sacrifice the well-being of your family to pursue both.