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Two brand spanking new polls out of New Hampshire are very bad news for Nikki Haley, aka Birdbrain, aka Nikki New Taxes, aka Nikki da Neocon. As it turns out, the Coalition of the Lukewarm (heavily suburban, female, college-educated milquetoast independents and Trump-hating Democrats) that she is putting together doesn’t appear to be enough to deliver her the Granite State.

The first poll to sound the alarm for Nikki was released earlier today, and it was sponsored by the Boston Globe. The poll shows Trump with an absolutely massive lead with New Hampshire Republicans, and, even worse for Nikki, he’s running neck and neck with her with independents.

That’s not the result Nikki wants to hear, as she’s banking on Democrats and independents pulling Republican primary ballots and delivering her the win. If she splits independent voters with Trump, she’s naan.

One poll could be an outlier, but two are a trend. The next poll to drop was conducted by St. Anselm, and it shows Trump breaching the 50% mark for a majority of the vote. In the poll, Nikki does do slightly better with independents than the Boston Globe poll, but she’s losing with Republicans by 40 points.


After Iowa, Nikki Haley wants us all to believe that this is a two-man race, despite the fact that she came in third place. Perhaps her speechwriter forgot to update the script.

Read More: Nikki Haley’s speechwriter forgot to update her script after that humiliating third-place finish…

These polls puncture the regime’s Nikki Haley pipe dream and show unstoppable momentum towards Trump. If Trump can bring home New Hampshire, he will then crush Nikki Haley in South Carolina.

Voters overwhelmingly oppose Nikki Haley on neocon policy.

There are a handful of low IQ voters who support Nikki Haley because she’s a woman.

There’s one name that we haven’t mentioned yet in this article, and that name is Ron DeSantis. Unfortunately for DeSantis, he’s a non-entity in New Hampshire, with the last two polls showing him at just 5 and 6 percent of the vote. He’s also not popular in South Carolina, as the above polling average suggests, and a poor finish in New Hampshire will compound the problem he is having with appealing to voters in the early primary states. DeSantis will be extremely lucky to even clear double digits in either New Hampshire or South Carolina, so expect his momentum to all but fizzle out after those contests.

Also, don’t expect DeSantis to announce an endorsement soon after dropping out, as he appears to detest both Trump and Haley. Moreover, he will want to let the tempers of his fanbase cool off a bit before announcing a Trump endorsement, as Ted Cruz did in 2016, if he can get over the bad blood between them.