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Get ready to witness what could potentially become the greatest GOP debate in history. While it might seem like a pipe dream at the moment, if Tucker gets his way, something truly extraordinary could unfold on the debate stage before the primary season wraps up. Who could forget the spectacle of one of the greatest GOP debate extravaganzas? It was March 4, 2016, when the Fox News GOP debate aired live from Detroit, and it was a barn burner. That debate drew a staggering 24 million viewers, thanks to President Trump, who captivated American voters.

That debate was a remarkable moment in conservative politics.

However, the debate scene is much different in 2024, with a lackluster group of wannabes who can’t seem to connect with voters, drawing very paltry ratings. As a matter of fact, the fourth GOP debate only drew 4.1 million Americans to watch it live on TV. It’s a stunning drop and a true testament to President Trump’s political prowess.

The question now, especially after the dismal ratings of the last GOP debate, is whether there will be another one. And if so, why? By this point, it’s widely accepted that President Trump will be the nominee, so why are Ronna McDaniel and the RNC investing time and resources in pretending that there’s a genuine “contest” underway? In addition, these “corporate-sponsored” mainstream debates don’t seem to provide any real benefits to the American people, so one may wonder why bother?

Well, that’s a legit question, and Tucker Carlson has an answer. What if we trashed the tired, old mainstream media debates that seem to do nothing but excite donors and instead offered voters something that would genuinely provide insight and information? Tucker is open to the idea of hosting a GOP debate alongside Joe Rogan and Elon Musk—just imagine the ratings! It could potentially become the most historic and popular GOP debate in US history.

That sounds like a debate rockstar night that would require its own arena and several hundred concession stands. Imagine the excitement of a night of discovery where Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, and Elon Musk ask debate questions that genuinely matter to the American people. This would be an event for the record books, offering the American people a unique opportunity to see where our political leaders and wannabe leaders stand on issues that mainstream media avoids like the plague.

Bring it on!